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Mythical Monsters and Creatures of China Part 2


Taotie is a monster that has only a head and a mouth as in its hunger it ate everything within sight until the only thing left for Taotie to feed upon was its own body. For its greed, Taotie died soon after consuming its own body, yet it is said that Taotie died happy as its hunger had finally been sated. In other stories, Taotie is seen as a monster of greed instead of hunger and it is believed that Taotie feasted out of greed and that Taotie ate itself to prevent anyone else from ever being able to eat Taotie. In this story Taotie became a symbol of greed and a cautionary tale of why greed is bad.


A jiangshi is a type of Chinese zombie that differs from other zombies in that it can be identified quite easily by the fact that they are always dressed in official garments from the Qing Dynasty. These jiangshi are often called hopping zombies as they can only move by hopping. A jiangshi will kill any living thing it comes across, not with its teeth, but by stretching out its arms to absorb the life force of the living thing it encountered. Jiangshi only come out at night as the sun hurts their skin. To avoid the pain of the sun, these monsters will sleep underground in coffins, caves, or any dark place it can find during the day until the sun sets and it can set out to feast upon the life force of the living.


Magu, also known as the Hemp Maiden, is an immortal woman with the long talons of a bird. Magu is a known defender of women and has often been associated with the elixir of life. Magu lives away from humankind in caves and faraway places where she will sleep the days away in peaceful slumber unless she is awakened by calls for help from a woman in need. Magu is a quick defender and is vicious towards those that would harm woman; she uses her talons to tear attackers to shreds. Yet, once the attacker is dead, she has been known to comfort victims before returning to her slumber.

Tam Kung

Tam Kung was believed to be an immortal who could forecast the weather. Tam Kung was born a human with the name Huizhou Prefecture; from birth, he was known to have mystical healing powers that allowed him to heal anyone with only a touch. Upon his twentieth year, he gained immortality and the ability to predict and control weather. His favor is often sought by fishermen who seek his blessing for safe weather during their time at sea as well as anyone planning a long journey at sea as Tam Kung’s favor can mean the difference between calm waters and violent storms. Those who incite Tam Kung’s wrath keep themselves as far from the water as possible in fear that Tam Kung will use the water against them to lead them to a watery grave.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Sefina Hawke