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Mythical Monsters and Creatures of China Part 3


Ao is a giant turtle that holds the three islands of the Eight Immortals, Penglai, Fangzhang, and Yingzhou, upon his shell. Ao is considered to be one of the older immortal beings living in the South China Sea during the time when the world was being formed. Since that time Ao slowly moved to the Bohai Sea where he now lives with three islands upon his shell. Ao is thought to have mentored the half-dragon half-turtle Bixi who was the son of the Dragon King.


Bashe was a giant snake with the skin of a white python that was so large she hunted and feasted upon elephants. Bashe was a vicious opponent capable of taking down more than one elephant at a time. Bashe had the ability to swallow the elephant whole and to slowly digest them over time much like a normal snake would a mouse. Bashe’s slow digestion was the only reason that she was not a larger threat, as she would sleep for months while she slowly digested her prey before hunting again.


Jingwei was once Yandi’s daughter Nüwa who drowned when playing in the Eastern Sea. Yet her beauty attracted the attention of an immortal being, who upon Nüwa’s death transformed her into a beautiful bird that became known as Jingwei. Jingwei remains obsessed with the place of her death and seeks to stop all others from drowning as she did by slowly filling the Eastern Sea with the pebbles and twigs she can carry with her beak. She hopes to one day fill the Eastern Sea so that no one will reside there and thus no one else will drown as she did.

 Renfa Shou

Renfa Shou is considered to be an animal of truth, honesty, justice, impartiality, and good omens. Renfa Shou has the appearance of a black goat with the hooves of a horse and the horn of a rhinoceros. Renfa Shou would be brought to disputes and he would point his horn at the dishonest party. Renfa Shou would use his horn to stab the most despicable offenders to death; these offenders were seen as unworthy of mercy by Renfa Shou. Renfa Shou was used by the judicial commissioner, Gao Yao, during the reign of Emperor Yao to help judge court cases. Outlaws, criminals, and the dishonest came to quickly fear Renfa Shou as there was no lie he could not spot and he had no mercy for those he felt were not worthy of life.


Luduan was a unicorn that had the body of a lion and the paws of a bear that could travel 9,000 km in a single day and was a master of all languages. Luduan was considered the guardian of enlightened rulers and would turn from any ruler he considered to be unworthy of his guardianship.


Dragon-Fish were the guardian of gateways to throne rooms and temples. These creatures had the body of a fish and the head of a crocodile. Dragon-Fish were so large that they were believed to have been able to swallow everything and anything including trespassers, thieves, and assassins.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Sefina Hawke