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Odds And Ends About Introvert Writers

Are you a writer? Are you shy? Do you like to spend time alone? Then, you are an introvert writer, better at writing than conversation. Not all research agrees with me. I, myself, needed an on-line community, as virtual friends rely upon my writing. Face to face friends wear me out. For example, I have friends on where we have a discussion forum. Another example would be, a fitness & nutrition website where we mostly keep each other accountable. These friends also do not judge me like a face to face would.

What are some odds and ends about introvert writers? Follow along.

Many people claim that introverts are anti-social. No, introvert writers are simply picky about who they hang out with. They are good listeners. They think before they speak. Often, introvert writers are told secrets because people know that they can be trusted. They do not require many things. They appreciate and are thankful for what they have. They do not mind being alone in their own little world. They do not partake in drama. Being alone can make more creativity and productivity. Introvert writers talk about what they are passionate about when they do talk, often with their family and certain chosen friends. Introvert writers often need to be assertive and tell people that they would rather not go out and that they are an introvert simply wanting to spend time alone. They should not be ashamed. 

If they attempt to be something that they are not, they get worn out, or another term, burnt out. If this happens, the introvert writer needs to create a happy time, even if not with a person. For example, they need to do that hobby, as doing so can get rid of that stress or anxiety. Then, introvert writers often deny themselves rest and can be very stubborn. It is very good to take a siesta every day, whether one needs it or not. Introvert writers should take a day off here and there. Remember that hard-earned pay that just came in? A writer should buy themselves something nice. They should even stay in their jammies with good coffee...all day. Call this time even a vacation, doing things you love. Yes, introvert writers need to put food on the table, clothes on their bodies, just like anyone else. However, they tend to also like to do their jobs as something meaningful in life.

Personally, this article was a challenge for me. I thought to myself, what am I? Am I an introvert?  Extrovert? I do like to be alone. But, then there are times when my house is just way too quiet. I have found that I am more of an introvert than an extrovert, though, so would that make me an ambivert? I guess that is another article.

In closing, if you are an introvert writer and want to share with the world, and even get paid for it, $40.00 an article, simply take a peek at the website Introvert, Dear. The website has guidelines at  

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Leiann Lynn Rose Spontaneo