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Overcoming Writers' Block

All writers have gone through this inevitable challenge. I’ve gone through it, always wanting to just burn the manuscripts I was working on because I didn’t think they’d ever get finished. If you haven’t yet gone through a block, you might soon, but no need to panic. I’ve got a list of things to help get the creativity flowing again so you can finish that project you’ve always dreamed of finishing.

What is writers' block?

Writers' block, also known as a creativity block, is usually when a writer has hit a wall. It traps their thought process and leaves them empty, no clue where to go next in the story or verse they’re writing. It can be just a lack of inspiration or motivation to write too.

Causes of writers' block?

Writers' block can be caused by a lot of things, some simple inconveniences, and others issues that take a little more time to resolve. Stressful situations at home, work, or school can cause a build up. Maybe even a fear of messing up the storyline. Others may have longer causes like an illness, depression, or just bad timing.

Tips to get rid of writers' block:

1. Go on a walk. Sometimes some spring cleaning of the mind is all you need to get the story rolling. 

2. Baths. Bring a bath bomb, bubbles, candles, bath salts, whatever you need to take a relaxing get-away right inside your home.

3. Go out. Plan a lunch with your friends, or a date with your beau. Make up that shopping spree you keep avoiding with your mother. A new taste of settings might just be enough to spur your words along.

4. Watch a movie/Play a game. It’s a story on a screen and you might find some ideas you’d want to string into your own work. If not, at least you passed some hours doing something fun rather than watching a blank page do nothing.

5. Daydream. Just let the mind wander on its own tracks. Who knows, the story could be good? Take a nap too, any way to just let your mind go free.

6. Talk it out. Share your plot or your beginning verses with somebody. Bounce ideas off them and see if you can’t come up with something together.

7. Tea. Or coffee. I like to sit down with a warm cup of my favorite black tea and think. There's just something about it that magically makes ideas visible in my brain.

8. Write. Usually the most dreaded tip, but it does indeed work. Write about whatever comes into your mind, even if it isn’t good or doesn’t make any sense.

Writers' block may stay a moment, a day, maybe even a week or a month, but it doesn’t have to stay forever. Try not to focus on how it’s dragging your writing down; instead, focus on how to bring it up. Hopefully these tips helped you get your creative splurge on.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Robin E. Williams