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Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Getting help with your book from a professional editor is always recommended but often just too expensive. We have partnered with a professional editor with 30 years of experience to provide quality writing services at affordable prices.

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Hundreds of Helpful Articles

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Practical Tips To Help You Write Your First Novel – Part 2

We’ve established that writing is not easy and not everyone can do it. You are doing it and it can be so frustrating to find yourself stuck on something or struggling to stay focused. Continue reading my tips for kickstarting your creative juices and staying focused while you write your first novel.

Organize a Writing Retreat

This doesn’t mean you have to go away somewhere, although you can if you choose.  Arrange to have the mother-in-law come in for a few days to look after the kids and do the housework for you; you can lock yourself away or you can drive off into the sunset to a mountain retreat where you can write uninterrupted. Rent somewhere nice, hole up with supplies for the time you are there and focus. Engage with your work. When you come back, your mind will be refreshed because you haven’t had to deal with a million other things, and you will be well on the way to creating your first novel.

Read a Few Novels

When you first start to write, you will hear a lot of advice that tells you to read short stories. There is some sense because starting small is always good. But short stories are written differently to novels and you may find you pick up some writing habits that don’t fit with your novel. Read a novel instead. Get yourself into the mindset of stretching your story in a clear direction to make it a novel and send your storytelling in the right direction.

Write 1000 Pages to Get 200

This might sound disheartening but by the time you have edited, cut, added, edited a bit more, quite a bit of what you wrote will be rewritten or cut out completely. It isn’t wasted work; it’s what shapes your story and gives you the direction you need.

Find More Than One Trusted Reader

Instead of asking one person to read your manuscript, ask several. This could be a few trusted friends or you could submit it to half a dozen agents and see what comes back. Everyone sees something different; three people reading one book will produce three points of view and each will pick up on different things. Wait until you have all their critiques back and then read them together. Use what you learn to make changes if needed, while retaining true faith in your own voice.

Don’t make changes for the hell of it or just because one person says you should. If three point to the same thing, then maybe you need to change it but otherwise, be realistic and don’t get upset about the critiques. If you take them personally, you’ll lose friends and you’ll lose faith.

Don’t be put off writing; if you think you have a great idea for a book then go for it. Start writing but don’t expect it to be finished inside of a few days. Some authors take years to craft a novel; expect to spend several months at least.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Anne-Marie Reynolds