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Proofreading, Editing, Critique

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Print On Demand Publishing: What You Need to Know

POD or Print on Demand publishing is the commonly used term for the digital way of publishing that enables a book to be printed and bound in a matter of minutes. This is the easiest and most cost-effective way of publishing books.

Digital printing has several applications. Academic and commercial editors use it to print advance copies of books, or if they can’t defend the cost of producing and storing a sizeable print run. Small presses make use of it since it is more economical if you use this process, trading small startup expenses for lower per-book revenues. Books digitally printed have greater unit production fees as compared to the books created in large runs using offset presses.

And lastly, there is the POD self publishing service that uses digital technology to provide publishing services to writers. You can choose from DIY services which offer free online templates enabling you to upload and format a book, to fancy publishing packages which include not only printing and distribution online, but custom cover design, editing, and enhanced marketing among others.

There are some POD services that are free or come at low cost, but some will set you back from a few hundred to thousands of dollars. Generally, POD service agreements take only non exclusive digital rights, and can be ended at will. Some digital publishing companies enable the authors to set book costs and control profits, but some services determine the costs and pay the writer a certain percentage of the profit – recovering their manufacturing expenses at the point of sale.

Though Print on Demand was introduced over a decade ago, it has become what most people think of if they hear the term “self-publishing.” POD services and self-publishing using the traditional method have core differences.


With traditional self-publishing, the author controls all areas of the publishing process, from cover art to print method to costing. With Print on Demand services, the selection is usually limited to the package of services the publisher offers.


With traditional self-publishing, the author keeps all the proceeds from sales. With Print on Demand services, the company keeps the share of profits proceeds to offset printing expenses and pays the writer a percentage (It could be a percentage of revenue or a royalty or a percentage of profit.). Generally, you are paying twice – upfront and later when the book is sold.


With traditional self-publishing, all rights remain with the author, who has full ownership of his books. The same goes for the ISBN. The majority of POD services own the ISBN, and have less claim on electronic and digital publishing rights.

The Advantages of Using Print on Demand Publishing

For authors who prefer a printed book and who do not want to undergo the submission process needed by commercial publishers, for those who are not concerned with sales volume, or those who want to have a family memoir or recipe book or genealogy in print to distribute privately, a Print on Demand service is the best option.

The services provide well-designed books at an affordable price as compared to the traditional way of publishing, and have several benefits, which include guaranteed publication and no editorial interference. And since the book is printed only as you order, there is no need for you to think about the unsold copies of the book.