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Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Getting help with your book from a professional editor is always recommended but often just too expensive. We have partnered with a professional editor with 30 years of experience to provide quality writing services at affordable prices.

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Hundreds of Helpful Articles

Hundreds of Helpful Articles

We have created hundreds of articles on topics all authors face in today’s literary landscape. Get help and advice on Writing, Marketing, Publishing, Social Networking, and more. Each article has a Comments section so you can read advice from other authors and leave your own.

Prolific Writing for Profitability

By now you have an idea of how competitive online writing is. Your website needs constant engagement with your audience through a consistent flow of new articles. Your quality articles are the most important element in your business to make your presence known. Article writing, in order to be profitable, must be submitted regularly to create traffic, get indexed, and provide revenue in the long term. Profitability in this case often means producing articles at specific deadlines. Many writers are not keen on the idea of churning out too many articles out of fear that it might compromise quality. This concern is valid, but it doesn’t have to be the case. You can always follow valuable tips to achieve those valuable returns.

Even before the days of yore, when the Internet was but a mere flicker of light in the distance, writing has always been an effective marketing tool. Where would advertisers and marketers be without the aid of banners, flyers, and brochures? Writing has brought products and services to people’s doorsteps. Now, more than ever, as means of communication becomes more and more sophisticated, many writers have found more strategies. Consider these suggestions. They are not the ultimate solutions, but trying them out can help.

1) Whatever niche you are specializing in, brainstorm to come up with effective solutions and information. Focus on the necessary elements that must appear in your article by making an outline.

2) Stay focused on the idea you want to discuss. Make it a priority to get to the bottom of your reader’s needs. For example, if you are writing about financial instruments, write an article about why many professional traders shy away from binary options. You can weigh its pros and cons. This gives your retail trading audience a broader idea of what they are getting into.

3) Always look at the big picture in order to make actionable plans. You may even create a checklist and ask yourself essential questions: What results am I targeting? How will my article address a need? What solution am I offering? Setting a specific goal helps to answer these questions.

4) Write good articles consistently. As a general rule, writers who keep a site or blog write every day. For those with bigger budgets, they solicit guest bloggers or employ writers. If you decide to hire writers, do a background check first and look at their portfolio to ensure you are not hiring flaky writers.

Never talk down to your audience by employing highfalutin' words that mean nothing to them. Unless you are writing a technical manual for Martians, keep your tone and word choice conversational. Technical terms are okay, but use them only when it is necessary, and provide a little definition about what the term is about. For example, if you are writing about holistic medicine for the laymen, and you talk about Ayurvedic health, tell them what “Ayurveda” means.

Never write something if your heart is not in it. Whether you are writing about a satellite’s telemetry or a love letter, be sure that you put your heart into it. People have a built-in sense of detecting insincerity in other people. When you communicate through the written word, you are opening up to them. They will know if you have legit intentions or are masquerading.

Article writing not only benefits your reader. It benefits you by honing your craft. Perfect writing doesn’t exist, but like a huge slab of stone, it can be carved and shaped into the best work of art that it can be. Writing constantly sharpens your grasp of the craft.

Learn from other writers. Other people’s points of view give you a fresh angle on how to approach an idea. Find out which writers are producing quality articles at a fast rate. Join writer forums and interact with other writers. Most writers would be happy to share a thing or two about their writing strategies.


Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Vincent Dublado