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Reviewing Non-Fiction - Part 1

Unlike fiction writing, non-fiction work may not contain the basics of a story. A non-fiction book may not have characters, settings, a storyline, different subplots or dialogue and any other related aspects which can be used to judge the success of a book. Even then, there are factors that can be used when reviewing a non-fiction book to determine its impact and how an audience will relate to the work. Some of the factors are discussed in this article.

The proficiency of the author

The knowledge of the author on the topic that is discussed in the book is of paramount importance. Most readers purchase a non-fiction book to learn or enlighten themselves on a particular area, field or lifestyle. The author needs to have adequate knowledge about what they are speaking about in the book. If the book takes a scientific approach, the author needs to understand and convey the message with professionalism. They also need to have a good grasp of the language used in this field.

The book’s ability to reach an audience

This point is very closely related to the first. Before an author writes a book, they need to determine who their intended audience is. This will dictate many aspects of the book including the language used and even the author’s tone. If the author seeks to reach an audience that just needs a simple read with straightforward ideas, the author should fashion the book’s theme and message to meet these needs. If the book is meant for experts, then the content should be thoroughly researched and expertly presented. The audience dictates the way the book is to be written.

The impact of the book’s introduction

The goal of the book should be set from the start. Before a reader begins to read the book, they should know what the author’s intention is in writing the book. The problem that is explored in the book should be clearly defined and explained and an adequate answer that is applicable should be provided. The reader should easily identify and understand the solution, otherwise, the book’s solution will only be applicable in theory. Some non-fiction books tend to be overly complex so that they fail to communicate to the reader. These complexities should be avoided.

The editing of the book

Nothing clearly demonstrates a poorly written book like grammatical and editing issues. When a book contains too many errors, it makes the reader question the author’s expertise and mistrust the information contained. Professional editing is often overlooked by many authors but is one of the most important features of a successful book. Not only does it show that the author made the effort to present their book in the best way possible, but it also ensures that the reading process that will follow will be seamless for readers. This way, the message will be effectively communicated to the intended audience. Editing also goes beyond noticing and rectifying grammatical errors; it also encompasses the way information is organized and the way the message is conveyed.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Edith Wairimu