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Romantic Inspirations: Lancelot and Guinevere

One of the most timeless romances in literature is that of Lancelot and Guinevere. From Lancelot becoming a knight for Guinevere, to Guinevere eventually falling in love with him, to the fact that their romance eventually ended in bittersweet betrayal, it’s clear that there’s an almost electrifying intensity between the two. It’s a relationship that has been told time and time again in modern day stories, from the confines of the King Arthur legend itself, to novels such as Avalon High by Meg Cabot and Song of the Sparrow by Lisa Ann Sandell. Still, the real relationship between the two is something of a dark stain in the honored courts of Camelot. 

The romance didn’t start off like any other; Guinevere was married for one thing, and Lancelot was one of Arthur’s most trusted knights, as well as a knight of the Round Table. Unfortunately, he fell in love with Guinevere, and though Guinevere ignored him at first, eventually the two succumbed to their lusts, and carried out an affair. Of course there were rumors, one of which was from Sir Meliaguant, who confronted both Lancelot and Guinevere right in front of Arthur. However, when Meliaguant died in a duel against Lancelot, the two’s honor was restored. Even so, that did little to stop the affair. Eventually, it’d gotten to the point where Mordred and Agravain, alongside the other knights of the Round, gathered around Guinevere’s room, where they caught the two making love with each other. Guinevere was then taken away to be burned at the stake, while Lancelot managed to escape. When Lancelot heard of her execution, he endeavored to save her, and killed many of his comrades. While Lancelot and Guinevere did escape, they had to part ways. They saw each other once more, before parting ways, never to see one another again. Lancelot died in isolation, while Guinevere subsequently lived out the rest of her days at Amesbury as a nun. 

The story has managed to drive the fantasies of many. However, just like with any medieval legend, there are usually variations. Some say that the affair was due to Guinevere being under the control of Morgan le Fay, with Arthur being her rightful love in the end. Others say that both Guinevere and Lancelot were already together by the time that Guinevere was arranged to marry Arthur. Other authors have their own interpretation of the affair, such as that of Guinevere by Lavinia Collins and The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley. 

However the affair happened, it doesn’t change the fact that the three characters managed to spark the greatest love triangle of all time, despite the fact that Arthur tried burning his wife at the stake. It was a battle between duty and freedom in the end, with Arthur and Lancelot representing these symbols respectively. Guinevere was depicted as a human who had to choose between the two, with the desire for freedom winning out in the end. Though it was sad to see this romance crumble, it is still a wonderful tale that has captivated millions of people for centuries.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Robin Goodfellow