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Romantic Inspirations: Macbeth

Corruption has a damaging effect on people. Whether it be due to a desire for power, or peace, or even love, that corruption can have longlasting psychological and physical consequences on someone. After all, corruption is rife through human history, and we’ve seen it happen again and again. We’ve seen it tear down relationships, societies, and even empires. But more than that, it’s a facet of human nature that, no matter how hard we try, we can’t seem to shake off. This idea was emphasized in Shakespeare’s tragedy, Macbeth.

Macbeth is about a man named, unsurprisingly, Macbeth, who receives a prophecy from three witches, all of which state that he would rule Scotland. His ambitious wife urges him to pursue this, and after deliberating on it, he decides to murder the current king, Duncan, and put himself on the throne. As the play continues on, and Macbeth is forced to murder more and more people, both he and his wife are plunged into a reality filled with gore, horror, and madness. The play finally ends with Lady Macbeth killing herself out of guilt, and Macbeth himself being killed and replaced by a more benevolent ruler.

Morality is heavily involved in Macbeth. The character Macbeth deludes himself into believing he was invincible due to the witches' prophecy, only to realize he had misinterpreted the prophecy. That even though he did rule Scotland, his rule wouldn’t last. This could signify his failing morals, his hesitancy, and even his weakness as a human being. Macbeth is tarnished by ambition and was a tool for what can only be described as a lust for power. Some scholars had noticed how vague Macbeth’s motivations were. However, most agree that Macbeth wasn’t evil by nature. It was only due to external pressures, especially those from his wife, that drove him to commit those actions.

The play also broke down gender relations. Throughout the story, Lady Macbeth belittles her husband, and emotionally abuses him to ensure that he follows her orders. He, in turn, later goads the other men he hires to kill by questioning their masculinity. While the story often equates manhood with violence, when readers look at Lady Macbeth, they see yet another source of darkness. After all, it’s Lady Macbeth that pushes her husband to kill and to pursue ambition. The idea of women and manipulation is pushed further when the witches, who tell Macbeth that he’s destined to rule, also relied on unconventional means. The idea that he listened to them, only for him to fall, further cements their unholy nature. In other words, masculinity equated to aggression and violence, while femininity equated to manipulation and witchcraft. It’s an inversion of the natural order, and it’s this inversion that ultimately led to the characters’ downfall.

Macbeth was a tragedy that furthered Shakespeare’s reputation. It’s been retold time and time again and has been studied by various scholars, writers, and artists. The play reflects beliefs during the time, whether it be adherence towards Christianity or its political atmosphere. Macbeth continues to serve as one of literature’s most prized stories, and a reminder of what happens when corruption governs your choices.


Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Robin Goodfellow