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Romantic Inspirations: The Tale of the Amaryllis

In front of our house is a beautiful flower called an amaryllis. My father told me he saw some seeds that were thrown out into the garbage. He planted them. Afterwards, the small seeds grew and soon became beautiful flowers that my dad usually shows off to me and other guests that have the unfortunate luck to visit us. But the flower means more to me than that; in fact, in many stories, I’ve tended to use the flower’s name for my characters.

But it’s not just me; in many poems and stories, the name Amaryllis is also the name of a young woman who usually takes the role of a shepherdess. These women can be found in works such as I Care Not for These Ladies by Thomas Campion. Tennyson has even called out to the amaryllis. However, the amaryllis has a deeper meaning behind it, that of beauty, blood, and love.

The legend of the amaryllis is centered around Greek mythology. It tells the tale of a woman who fell in love with a shepherd. However, all the girls in the village were also in love with him, and because of that, he decided that whichever girl brings him the most beautiful flower, he will love for forever. The young woman decided that she would compete. She went to a High Priestess for advice, where she was told that she must pierce her heart with a golden arrow. After that, she must go to the shepherd’s cottage on the same path every night. She did this for 29 days. On the 30th day, she noticed the blood red flowers at her feet. They were incredibly beautiful, so much so that she gave the flowers to the shepherd. And so, the shepherd fell in love with both her and the flowers. The tale ends happily, and the flowers she gave to the shepherd were named Amaryllis, after the young woman. Other stories have said that Amaryllis was a nymph. It’s a very blood-soaked legend that has the same enchanting feel as other fairytales.

The amaryllis is a rather beautiful flower that many people use as gifts. Amaryllises are often used to celebrate the holiday season, and though it’s common for amaryllis bulbs to grow red, it can also come in a variety of colors, such as purple, orange, and pink. Many associate the amaryllis with stubbornness, determination, and strength, alongside success, since amaryllises are known to be rewards for hard workers. Amaryllises have even been used to help diseases such as anxiety and depression.

Amaryllises are beautiful flowers that have been associated with a majority of positive qualities in humanity. Their appearance has captivated many writers’ muses; after all, the flower is even celebrated in the realms of Greek mythology. As such, the amaryllis is one of the many flowers that can cultivate our imaginations, and while it might not be as famous as the nightshade or the rose, the amaryllis is beautiful in its own right.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Robin Goodfellow