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Selecting Photographs for Your Memoir Part 2

4. Include photographs that show the settings in your memoir.

Adding photos that show the settings in which scenes take place is helpful to readers for them to be able to visualize included backgrounds. If you have multiple photographs of the same background, select those with people or activities taking place since they are visually more engaging and are more likely to grab attention.

In his memoir, John P. Culnane includes a photograph of Dong Tam Base Bunker in 1969 Vietnam after his transfer from Saigon. In 1970, he was living in Saigon and a photo of his quarters is included that shows a fully stocked bar section in his home, which hints at his lifestyle then.

When covering his travel experiences, Culnane includes photos taken of him and a friend in different destinations throughout South America.

5. Use photographs of documents or that are connected to historical events in your memoir to add interest.

In White Woman Black Heart, Miller includes a photo taken on the white cliffs of Dover. The photo shows Burnum Burnum planting the Aboriginal flag on the cliffs to bring attention to the struggles of Aboriginal people.

Letters also add a personalized feel to a memoir. In Nine Lives and Counting, Culnane includes a photograph of a moving letter written by his father to his mother in 1943 while he was serving in the army.

6. Consider legal implications.

Even though photographs have many benefits when included in the memoir, there are legal implications to consider. Different states and countries have laws that govern how you can use photography in a book. Various details come into play such as whether the photograph was taken in a private event or a public spot. Before including photographs in your work, research the laws that govern the inclusion of photographs in a memoir to avoid any future lawsuits.

7. Organization of photographs within the plot.

Organization is also significant. Placing unrelated photographs in between the story will only confuse the reader. Make sure you align your photographs with the events in the memoir for the reader to be able to attach each event to the right photograph. Labeling the photos will also help provide specific information regarding each photograph.

8. Quality photography.

Use only quality photographs whose details are clear. Blurred images make the work appear unprofessional and may eventually undermine the whole book. What you state in your memoir should also coincide with what is represented in the photos to avoid confusion and creating doubt. For photographs important to your story but which are unclear, you can always have them upgraded to clearer versions before including them in your book. Today’s technological advancement provides for the reproduction of better quality photographs even from old photos. Only do not manipulate the initial meaning of the photographs.

9. Edit.

Just like your writing, photographs should be edited to only include those most relevant to the memoir. This may take a few rounds but it is a crucial process that ensures your memoir remains concise and engaging.  

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Edith Wairimu