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Proofreading, Editing, Critique

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Setting Up a Blog? Read This First (Part 1 of 2)

Thinking of starting a blog but don’t know where to start? You can either choose a free platform or go for paid platform services. The latter, however, is a form of investment that can potentially provide you with a promising passive income.

With digital and broadband technologies that are readily available to the population, it’s not a surprise that people are jumping into the opportunity to create wealth and passive income online.

If you believe that you have what it takes to carve a niche in the competitive but profitable world of blogging, then here are some basic steps and reminders to get you started.

1) Do your research first

Ask bloggers about their experiences and how they got started. You can do it on your own, but without a roadmap to guide you, the pitfalls can prove discouraging. You can ask in forums or subscribe to a blog that you like and ask its owner about what you want to know. Bloggers are more than happy to engage with their followers.

Moreover, the Internet is generous in providing resources and information on practically anything. Google is your friend.

2) It’s not instant money

Blogging is not a magic lamp that you rub wherein a genie pops out to solve your financial worries. There are billions of blogs out there and only the best in quality survive or rank high in search engines.

You’ll have to make an effort in sustaining your blog with quality content to draw traffic. Even after doing this, expect only to earn a few hundred (even nothing) in the first few months. Many bloggers will tell you that they started earning a considerable sum after blogging for two or three years.

3) Blogging is not just about making money

You need the commitment to grow a blog. It demands time and energy on your part to sustain it. If you’re enthusiastic at first and then your interest wanes in the process after realizing how much work it takes, then your blog will sink.

Have you heard of the “shiny object syndrome”? You’re enthusiastic about starting a project, believing that it will become a hit. In the process, you encounter challenges while hearing about a new project that perks up your enthusiasm as well. You abandon your current project in favor of this new project. You will not finish anything with this mindset. If this sounds like you, take a step back and ponder if a demanding venture like blogging is suitable for you.

4) You need to post quality content

Write content that is original. It must provide a solution or information that your readers are looking for. People who go online often search for information or solution. Your content must serve as a reliable source that addresses their particular need.

If you’re an artist like a graphic designer who wants to showcase your visual portfolio, ensure that your photos are of high quality. Put a caption of at least fifty to a hundred words to describe your art. This is because search engine bots rank sites according to word content and not much on graphics.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Vincent Dublado