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Settings in Horror: The Church

Oftentimes in any genre, the church has been used as a symbol of sanctity, refuge, and, unfortunately, damnation. From the beautiful glass-stained windows to the fiery, lonesome pulpit, it’s also had its roots in the horror genre, more specifically, religious horror. Even in the real world, people are wary of churches, especially with organizations like the Westboro Baptist Church in the headlines; books such as The Mysterious Stranger have also made their marks on the genre. Still, there’s something tragically beautiful about the church image, as well as terrifyingly intoxicating, that allows it to claw its way into human hearts. It’s something that, no matter how hard we try, we can never escape from.

One of the reasons why the church is so prevalent in horror is because of this vulnerability. Throughout its dark history, whether it be the burning of a witch at a stake, or the condemnation of a member for being just a little different, churches have been used to foist one group’s values onto others. Hoping to cure their loved ones, looking for a place in the afterlife, perhaps even to talk about the latest gossip; these are the needs that may not make it to conversations in polite society, but for some reason, need to still be discussed. In other words, the church offers a place of perceived sanctuary, and if anyone tries to ruin that idea, there will be reckoning. The fact that people are willing to go to extremes to cling to this idea, however wrong it may be, is disturbing to say the least.

But the person leading this group is the one to be feared. We, as humans, carry a certain expectation for authority figures. A priest is no exception. They are the medium between God and man, and to think they manipulate others to do their own bidding is something only few have really ventured in to see. Sexual assaults, theft, murder; nothing is off limits. So inevitably, when the pastor defies our expectations, when they reveal themselves to be really just a madman in the guise of a shepherd, the only thing we can do is watch our own prayers go up in flames. 

Now, I’m not attacking churches or religion in general. If anything, a lot of these churches do good work. They open soup kitchens, take care of the elderly and disabled, open  nurseries, and even come up with funds for a struggling family, or scholarships for a student who wanted to go to college. However, these churches are accepted in the realm of the norm; society expects us to help one another, no matter how much of an inconvenience it is. It’s the churches used in horror where the demented and deranged really ravage the populace. 

And of course, these are just a few reasons why the horror genre loves them. However, I’ve always had the belief that monsters are manifestations of human sins. What better way to conjure up those monsters than to read about a church, and see for ourselves how far we’ve fallen. Because even in a sacred place like that, they still manage to welcome our worst nightmares.  

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Robin Goodfellow