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Simple Practical Tips on How to Become a Better Writer - Part 1 of 2

Sometimes becoming a better writer requires just taking simple steps consistently until you start to notice that you are growing and finally becoming the kind of writer that you want to be. Here are a few easy steps or tips you should take to get there.

Avoid Distractions

To become a more productive writer, avoid all sorts of distractions that will take away your focus from writing. Place your phone in a place far from your working area. You can also put it on silent mode or limit the number of people who can reach you. Also, have a designated working area that you can go to when you want to work. If you are working from home, let friends know when you are working. Do not feel that you have to entertain people all the time just because you work from home. Another tip on avoiding distractions is to limit the entertainment options in your house that will constantly tempt you and keep you away from your work.

Be Organized

Nothing motivates your mind like an organized area. Organizing your desk will prepare your mind for the work ahead. After organizing, you will be done with one chore which will motivate you to continue working on other tasks. Look for simple, cheap and pretty organizing containers that you will love. You can make this fun by selecting those that are in your favorite color. Go for a theme and surround yourself with things that make your space feel cozy, inviting and beautiful. Also, select a desk and chair that meet your needs. Desks with storage solutions are great for keeping folders and other materials that you do not constantly need but that you want to have close by in case you want to use them.

Create a To-do List

Have specific objectives for each day that will help you make the most out of each day. Slot in writing time when you can engage in any writing activity that will help you improve. Approaching the day with specific goals keeps you focused. It is easy to lose time when you are not sure what you should be doing that day. An hour lost every day translates into several hours in a week and lost days in a year. This does not mean you should not rest. Reserve time for resting after each task but keep in mind what you have set out to do during that day.

When creating your to-do list, consider finding out the time that you work best and assign harder tasks for that time period. Also, start with simpler tasks if you do not feel motivated to work and then work towards your more difficult tasks. Instead of letting time slip by, choose what you love doing until you establish a workflow for that day.

Have realistic goals because you want to remain motivated, not stressed out. The goal for a particular time slot could be as simple as writing 150 words for that day.


Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Edith Wairimu