Author Services

Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Getting help with your book from a professional editor is always recommended but often just too expensive. We have partnered with a professional editor with 30 years of experience to provide quality writing services at affordable prices.

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Hundreds of Helpful Articles

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Social Media and the Writer

Whenever a new book is written by a popular author, people always learn about it first through the social networking sites. Social media caters to all sorts of audiences and readers from all over the world. It is the best place to promote a good book, a movie, or a magazine.

There are quite a number of benefits social media can offer writers and authors:

Social media improves exposure: When you constantly deliver good content and share it in your social media accounts, you increase your content’s exposure, thereby increasing traffic and links to your page. Make sure to share good content at least twice a week. More content delivered is better because it increases traffic to your blogs or website faster.

Social media expands your fan base: As an author it is very important to expand your fan base. Writers rely on exposure and brand awareness to maintain a steady flow of income. If the writer or the book don’t get enough exposure, the product won’t be seen as much and traffic will not be increased, thereby increasing the risk of less income. Social media helps the author get the exposure he needs and builds brand awareness to its target audience or readers. When readers like what they are reading, they will share it with their friends and the result is more followers for the author, more exposure for the content and more traffic to the webpage.

Minimizes sales cycles: According to experts, it will take a normal person at least eight to ten times of exposure to the same product before he decides to buy it. With the help of social media accounts, the person becomes constantly exposed to the product, thus shortening the sales cycle. Social media accounts allow the person to read many comments and reviews about a particular book or magazine. When he sees that a lot of people complimented and liked the book, then there is a greater chance that the person will decide to buy and read it for himself.

Social media increases the chance of being discovered: When a particular author or book receives a lot of praise and exposure through the social media industry, the reception will be magnified, resulting in sponsors, media and publishers contacting the person for an interview, partnership or promotion. The chance of getting discovered increases.

Social media builds a community sharing the same awareness: As the fan base expands, the author creates a community sharing the same interest. This creates an atmosphere of loyalty which is highly important in maintaining a large fan base. Building a loyal and interactive community through social media is certainly beneficial to the author. Just make sure to constantly update your followers or your community about your products, services and events.