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Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Getting help with your book from a professional editor is always recommended but often just too expensive. We have partnered with a professional editor with 30 years of experience to provide quality writing services at affordable prices.

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Hundreds of Helpful Articles

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Social Media Benefits to Writers

It is very common for people who use social media to shorten words and create shortcut terms to minimize space and time in creating the messages. This leads some people to habitually use wrong spelling and grammar because they have already been accustomed to writing that way. If you are an author, grammar and spelling is your lifeline. Can social media play a beneficial role to help you in your writing career?

Let’s find some benefits of social media for you as a writer:

Social media helps reduce mistakes: While many people have been accustomed to wrong grammar and spelling and shortcut terms, social media is still an effective tool to reduce mistakes in grammar and spelling. When you post a comment or when you share some content through your social media accounts, there will always be people who are brave enough to tell you that there is something wrong with your post and that you need to correct it. Consequently, people will be compelled to check their grammar and spelling before they post or share it for fear of embarrassment when someone points out their mistake. This lessens the chance of errors, which is very helpful and important where writers are concerned.

Social media enables writers and authors to be creative: There are a lot of perks offered by social media accounts. If you want people to recognize you as a writer or your blogs for that matter, you have to ensure that whatever you are writing about will capture the interest of the larger percentage of your target readers. Social media allows you to be creative. It helps you think outside the box and experiment with a different approach to different pools of readers. The more creative your approach is the more effective it is in getting more attention. More attention means more traffic and more traffic means more income.

Social media highlights accuracy and essence: If you want to post a blurb or content to promote your book or an event that you will be taking part in, make sure that you carefully choose your words otherwise you will only bore your readers with details that do not make sense at all. Write an effective but concise post and make sure that all the important details are covered. If it’s an event, make sure to include the details on “what, where, who, why, when and how” of the party. If it’s a summary of the book you are writing, extract all the essence and make sure the reader understands what the story is about. Avoid using too many words. Be accurate and specific.

Social media helps us realize that things change: The only thing that is constant in this world is change and social media reminds us of that fact. Writers are forced to adapt to changes. Before, pen and paper was enough, then came the printer and publishing, then online publication got into the picture. Writers need to adapt constantly to these changes otherwise they will remain stagnant and unproductive.