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Spooky Monsters, Creatures, and Horrors from German Myth and Legend

In How to Write a Unique Spooky Story, I wrote about how to write a unique spooky story by either creating your own monster, creature, or horror yourself or by finding a monster that is not well known. I advised finding a monster by researching myths and legends in other cultures to find something that has a rich history surrounding it, but that is not considered modern. One of the countries that has some unique and old monsters is Germany. According to Honor the Roots, “Germanic creatures are some of the oldest and monstrous figures that humans encountered in the past.” Here are six such creatures, monsters, and horrors found in German legend.

Weisse Frauen

 Weisse Frauen translated loosely means white woman. A Weisse Frauen is a white creature that takes the form that is a cross between a ghostly woman and an elf. These creatures were believed to be creatures of enchanting light that would guard castles or treasures from humans.


A Drude was believed to be a malevolent nocturnal spirit that would haunt humans while asleep, turning their peaceful dreams into horrifying nightmares. A Drude was thought to be a type of demon that often participated in the Wild Hunt.

Knecht Ruprecht

Knecht Ruprecht is an old German word that translates to Servant Rupert or Farmhand Rupert, depending on the use of the word. The Knecht Ruprecht was the companion of Santa Claus and was known for abducting and punishing disobedient children for their lack of obedience. Knecht Ruprecht had the body of an ox with long devil horns, sharp claws, a horse's tail, and a huge tongue.


Alps are creatures that induce nightmares in adults during the night. These horrifying creatures were in fact demons that would cause night terrors, sleep apnea and sleep paralysis in their chosen victims by remaining either on or above the victim as he or she slept. They could conceal themselves in shadows and transform into butterflies, pigs, cats, snakes, and dogs at will to hide themselves from discovery.


The Erdhenne is a spirit that inhabited the houses of those who lived in the Alpine regions and would only appear when someone was going to die within a year or less. The Erdhenne could choose to remain invisible or take physical form to communicate with those that will soon die. Its physical appearance when it chooses to manifest itself is that of a hen-like figure that has a short neck and shaggy features. Some might have thought these creatures benevolent, but those that they warned about coming death would also die and some wondered if they were merely warning or were they also killing?


The Nachzehrer is a vampire-like creature that returns to life after having committed suicide. A Nachzehrer returns from their self-inflicted deaths in order to haunt those among the living. Yet, unlike most vampires, the Nachzehrer does not feast upon blood, but on the flesh of the dead. The only way to truly kill a Nachzehrer is to put a coin in its mouth and then cut off its head; any other killing method will result in the Nachzehrer coming back to life with a vengeance for the one that attempted to kill it.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Sefina Hawke