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Spring's Warm Embrace

Although I’m fond of the colder seasons, I can’t help but have a soft spot for spring. After all, the majority of my family’s birthdays, including my own, are in the spring. Plus, spring is a time when all the flowers are in bloom and when you can actually start growing things. Since I’ve recently taken an interest in herbalism, this little aspect of spring certainly helps.

For many, including myself, spring is a time of joy and happiness. It’s a time when celebrations such as St. Patrick’s Day and Easter make the season a reality for other people, when we see the flowers blossoming for the first time, when we wear our cooler clothes and still enjoy the remnants of winter. However, did you know that spring represents so much more? Below are just some of the meanings spring carries. 

New Beginnings

Because everything’s in bloom, spring is typically associated with new beginnings, hope for the future, and renewal. We see a lot of animals being born during this time, eager to learn about the world around them. However, with spring, there’s also a chance for new opportunities as well, one of them being romance. After all, when you’re infatuated with someone, you fall for them. Hard. You disregard all sorts of common sense and instead focus on dreams that are filled with promise. And, ironically, this makes sense, considering when you’re infatuated with someone, everything seems like a new opportunity.

Naiveté and Growth 

Associated with these new beginnings is, of course, the pain of naiveté. But what comes with naiveté is also room for growth. For instance, during this time, you often see small animals exploring, knowing nothing of the cruelty that awaits them. Rains will come to nourish the earth and help the plants grow. These changes can reflect people’s own lives. After all, we can’t necessarily call ourselves living if we don’t learn about the things around us, kind of like the animals wandering about. It’s why you see this season in stories like The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks, which shows just how the season can aid in an individual’s growth. Because, like autumn, spring can represent a period of change and can emphasize the wisdom and knowledge a person gains during this time. 


One particularly famous holiday in spring is Easter. According to Christian belief, Easter represents the resurrection of Christ and symbolizes the new life that comes from it. However, Easter has another meaning, that of fertility and Pagan worship. The iconic Easter bunny, as well as the eggs it leaves behind, were used to enhance fertility in various populations. Easter parades were also held in some European nations to celebrate Pascha, who was said to be the goddess of spring. 

Spring carries a lot of significance. Not only does it represent new beginnings and promises, but it also carries religious significance. It’s a time of innocence and healing and, in a way, allows you to fall in love with life again. Remember this season when you start writing a new book, or poem, or even a thought that just comes into your mind. 

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Robin Goodfellow