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Stress Coping Skills For Writers

If you are a freelance writer, you can get burn-out, even if you do not have a looming boss and may make your own hours. As a freelance writer, you never know exactly when your next payment is going to be from time to time. Often, you feel overwhelmed.  What does this mean? More than likely, you suffer from stress.

The following are some skills to help you cope with stress:

Make a to-do list to stay on schedule.

Have lunch or even a snack. This can keep your blood sugar stable, boost your creativity and productivity.

Just say no. Don’t take on more than you can chew.

When you accomplish something, give yourself a reward. Don’t want to spend a whole lot of money? Buy yourself something from a thrift store.

Have a social life. There is more to life than four walls and a desk.

Get in some exercise. According to SparkGuy, the founder of, even ten minutes each day is good.

Keep a drink on your desk. You need to be hydrated.

Get plenty of sleep. Does this even need to be explained?

Keep a potted plant on your desk. Indulge in beauty.

Laugh. Some of the best medicine is a good belly laugh.

Volunteer. Focus some of your time on a cause.

Go shopping or at least window shopping. I like to call this “retail therapy”.

Listen to music. Get lost in the beat, rhythm or words.

Cook your favorite meal. This would mean “comfort food”.  

Photos of loved ones. Remember them every day.

Various artwork and/or posters. Whether pretty scenery, catchy phrases, Bible quotes, etc.

Turn off the news. Some people just cannot listen to all of the bad happening every day. I have said quite a few times that there should be "happy news”.

Do a five-minute tidy-up. I have learned this method off of YouTube’s ClutterBug. Throughout the day, clean parts of your home five minutes at a time. No stress. 

Take a siesta. I have also said to various people that the United States should have a set siesta every day like other countries.  

Take a hot bath. Indulge in some scented bubbles.

Throw yourself a party. Make it a theme, whether a potluck, card game, favorite sports team game, etc. 

Do not compare yourself with others. Just be you.

Call a loved one. Doesn’t it feel good to love and be loved in return?

Get some sun. Vitamin D is so healthy.

Watch a YouTube video. There is no limit.  

Give yourself a makeover. Fix yourself up and go somewhere, even if just the local library.  

Create a budget. Money is often the cause of stress. Clip coupons, buy on clearance, buy on sale and shop at dollar stores.

Color in adult coloring books. Adult coloring has been proven to lower stress.  

Throw a yard sale. Get rid of the clutter.

Pay it forward or do a random act of kindness. Make someone’s day feel special.  

Bake a dessert. Bake your favorites. Do they remind you of your childhood?

Why not jot some of these down on Post-It notes and place in various places where you are going to likely see. Place on your bathroom mirror, your coffee maker, your fridge, etc. Most of all, your desk. You should be thrilled that you do not have to be in bumper-to-bumper traffic every day, with no set hours and no management telling you what to do. You should be happy to be free as a freelancer!

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Leiann Lynn Rose Spontaneo