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Suggested Popular Blogging Ideas (Part 1 of 4)

Is blogging dead? It depends on who you ask. Those who are making a profitable career in blogging will tell you it’s alive and well. If you’re reading this, you’re probably considering blogging as a side hustle or a potential full-time career. Maybe you know how to start but don’t know what to blog about. If you intend to blog with both purpose and passion, that’s a good way to start. Do bear in mind that if you’re serious about it, it will require your energy, commitment, and monetary investment. If you have these factors, blogging, in the long run, can prove profitable for you as you get a slice of the market share and the return of investment can be rewarding.

But how do you get a slice of the market share? Blogging is not just writing. It’s about marketing. This is why many starting bloggers are stuck with the question of what idea or niche will draw them huge traffic. Start by asking yourself what you’re good at or passionate about. Here are some proven and popular blogging ideas where you can come up with great content.

1) How-to Guides

Many people are intimidated by technical manuals or are too lazy to read instruction printouts. Have you ever tried assembling an office chair using the manual guide that goes with it? How did it go? People nowadays prefer easy to understand instruction on doing things. They search online for short instructional guides or videos. These types of DIY blogs and sites are immensely popular.

If you have a penchant for DIY stuff and have no trouble following instructions, you may want to share your skills in this niche and provide easy to understand instructions.

2) Politics

Politics is an evergreen topic. National, local, or global news will always have a large share of online traffic. Even for those who consider themselves apolitical, they have a need to know how public officials are attending to their mandate. Everyone who is a part of the system feels the need to get involved. This is why politics can be polarizing and intriguing at the same time. If you plan to blog by voicing your take on certain issues, you need to be emotionally and psychologically equipped to handle opposition.

3) Recipes

People can’t resist food, no matter their dietary preferences. People will always find new ways to experiment in the kitchen and are constantly on the hunt for new, delicious recipes.

Profiting from this blog can come in the form of targeting specific dietary trends and coming up with recipes that can help supplement people’s dietary programs. If you have any culinary background or expertise, you can try this niche.

4) Beginner’s Guide

Before the commercialization of the Internet, there were the “For Dummies” and “Idiot’s Guide” series that are popular “how-to” reference books on different topics ranging from Shakespeare to investing in Wall Street.

You don’t have to be a high-level wizard to provide a beginner’s guide blog. Begin with the 101 level to help your audience get started. For example, you can do a little research on stamp collecting to help your audience start a hobby on philately.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Vincent Dublado