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Suggested Popular Blogging Ideas (Part 3 of 4)

10) Product reviews

Reviewing products is another popular niche that can drive traffic to your site. Consumers want to make sure that they’re getting the most out of their buck before purchasing a product or using a service. They turn to trusted product reviews.

You can make comparative reviews of competing products. For example, make comparisons between an iPhone and a Samsung Galaxy phone. Highlight their features and benefits as well as their pros and cons. You can monetize your blog through product reviews alone and drive traffic through the products that you cover.

Whether your product is sponsored by the product you’re reviewing or not, don’t be afraid to honestly talk about your opinion. Tell your readers what you like and don’t like about the product. Your honesty is a key factor in a credible review.

11) Breaking news

You can discuss breaking news topics. If you have a nose for news, this can be a brilliant marketing strategy for your email list. Being the first to inform your audience about the latest political, social or business events to keep your audience in the know.

Writing in this niche can be challenging. Don’t sacrifice facts and sources over being the first to tell the news. It’s always wise to double-check your facts and sources before releasing your article. You don’t want to compromise your reputation.

As for the news topics, you can cover news relevant to your sponsorship. For example, if you’re promoting a five-star hotel, news about a new popular destination and best places to stay would be ideal. Make sure to disclose sponsorship or affiliate information to your readers if you’re writing to promote a product or service.

12) Myth debunking

In a time where fake news proliferates, it’s a great idea to provide straight and factual information. You can get creative by giving this information in a fun way. The show Mythbusters grew in popularity for its fun, scientific approach into debunking common myths and preconceived notions about anything that exists in popular culture.

I'm sure you’ve had your share of receiving misinformation that you believed was true for a long time. What was it? Have you ever conducted an experiment or investigation to find out the truth? This is why myth debunking is a fun and creative niche idea if you have a flair for investigating accepted facts.

13) Troubleshooting guides

Are you having a blinking monitor screen? Do you need help installing a firewall? Many people are on the lookout for easy to follow troubleshooting guides on anything. We all want quick solutions to problems because we’re always in a hurry and, at times, technical problems crop up when we least expect them.

Writing a troubleshooting blog on your area of specialty can fill that need. If you’re a computer expert, write about troubleshooting guides on common desktop or Mac problems. If you’re a car expert, teach people how to fix those pesky car problems like those high-pitched squeals when they shut off their engine.

14) Advice and self-improvement

Isaac Bashevis Singer once wrote that basic human problems are eternal. Using this simple premise, your blog can render sound advice to people in search of solutions to personal problems. You can build a reputation as a self-improvement guru in the process. Mark Manson became popular as an authority on this niche through his blunt and unique man-to-man approach.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Vincent Dublado