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Techniques for Writing When You Don't Have a Lot of Time

Most writers don't have the luxury of writing full-time. If you have a day job and a family, and very little time to call your own, then you know how difficult it is to find five minutes to take a shower without someone having a meltdown that ONLY you can resolve. Sitting down to write sometimes seems as impossible as flying to the moon.

Despite this, you need to find time to write for one very important reason: you're not a writer if you don't write – even if you have the intention of doing so.

Here are some ideas of how you can maximise your time or combine other activities with the very precious business of writing.

Use your phone to record your voice

You can use a MP3 recorder or the voice memo app on your phone to record your 'writing' if you can't sit down to write. While running errands, driving the car, picking the kids up from school, walking the dog, exercising or even cooking dinner you can dictate the next chapter, paragraph or dialogue between characters and write it down at a later date. You may be surprised at how much work you can get done this way.

Get up early

This is a no-brainer and one you've either already tried or heard about. I like getting up at 5 am and writing in my pyjamas. It's quiet, my mind is fresh and there's something about the dreamlike quality of the early hours that makes it easier to unleash my imagination. If you're not a morning person, then wait until everyone has gone to bed and write at night.

Set a timer

You can make a short time go a long way with a timer. If you literally have five minutes, setting a timer will keep you focused and working for that amount of time instead of being distracted by the e-mail that's just come in, the phone ringing or the dog who's whining to go out. After all, five minutes is just 300 seconds; everything that is not a matter of life and death can wait for 300 seconds.

Make a date with your pen

If you're serious about writing, prioritise it. Just as it's important to spend time with your children or spouse, go to work, clean the house and get the shopping done, time must be put aside for your writing. It doesn't have to be daily but it must be scheduled. If you're not giving writing time the same amount of priority as other important aspects of your life, it will stop being important and will eventually become something you only talk about doing. Don't let that happen. Maybe Sunday evenings can be the time your partner gets the kids into the bath and the dinner on the table while you write for an hour or two? Whatever the opportunity, take it and make it yours.

Remember that to be a writer, you have to write. It may not suit you to grab snatches of time to write, but every bit counts. Sometimes it may be easier than others and sometimes you may be frustrated because you feel under pressure and incapable of being creative. Let it go. There is always a tomorrow to try again.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Louanne Piccolo