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The Ethereal Beauties of Horror: Ghosts

Ghosts have an enchanting feel to them that has been noted in various books and movies. From paranormal romance to Gothic horror to even comedy, these tales have had a special place in more bittersweet literature. For instance, in The Lady in the Moonlight by Lathish Shankar, some of the vignettes deal with ghosts who are trapped in a love that was never meant to be. In The Hanging Tree by Michael Phillip Cash, ghosts of every generation are watching over their descendant, trying to help her break a curse their ancestor had started. In All The Dead Rising by Jamie Campbell, the ghosts of various parents are trying to get in touch with a girl in a desperate attempt to help their children. In The Last Apprentice series by Joseph Delaney, ghosts usually take on a more sinister aspect, and can range from being weeping, suffering souls to malicious spirits hell-bent on revenge.

Of course, with the plethora of types of ghosts, it's a wonder we were able to classify them. And even then, many paranormal investigators and religious authorities alike contend that there are more than what investigators have listed. Below are a few examples of those classifications.

Vague Mists

These are usually ghosts that appear as little more than a blur. They usually linger in places like abandoned hospitals and graveyards, and are harmless. These types of ghosts are incredibly popular in shows like Paranormal Activity and The Haunting. They leave evidence that can attract people to do more research, as well as have skeptics question their legitimacy. They are often the most controversial.


Poltergeists are usually the ghosts that we’re most familiar with. They can usually manifest in a physical form, and have been known to move objects around, as well as being more than a little mischievous. Despite this, they’ve also been known to be incredibly malicious, going as far as to do bodily harm to whomever they meet. They've been known throughout human history, with the first recorded cases dating back to the 1st century. They're also particularly famous in several countries, and have even been the subject of many films, with a famous one being the 1982 film, The Poltergeist.


Orbs are described as a circular image that can arise from flash photography. Although many paranormal investigators have often attributed orbs as evidence of the existence of ghosts, angels, and other spirits, they also admit that orbs can also be caused by various natural phenomena. These phenomena include but are not limited to insects, water vapor, and dust. Although I’m a bit skeptical myself, I can’t help but admit that there were a few anecdotes that made me believe they could actually be entities.

Malevolent Spirits

Malevolent spirits are often ghosts that have intention to harm. While they're often lumped in with demons, malevolent spirits are known for afflicting the living. Such spirits are often shown in movies such as The Insidious series and The Conjuring.

Of course, angels and demons are completely different in regards to human spirits. And by no means is this list exhaustive. Despite this, many authors and writers have used ghosts to try to explore the realms of the afterlife, perhaps even hope there's something beyond. Other novelists have gone on to write in the paranormal romance genre to try to humanize such entities. It's because of our fascination with ghosts that we are able to coincide our lives with the inevitability of death, as well as know what it means to live life itself.


Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Robin Goodfellow