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The Main Character

The principal character in your manuscript should be your main focus. Each chapter ought to strengthen what the character's definitive objective is and the lengths they will go to accomplish it. They ought to be placed at risk and continually tried, to draw out their qualities and shortcomings. As your story moves forward, your primary character will consistently turn those shortcomings around. Be that as it may, it will take them a considerable measure of work and effort. Your main character needs to be placed in almost impossible situations, you must try to break their spirit, then lift him up again, stronger and wiser.

Your Main Character Is Imperfect

Your main character should have plenty of insecurities and flaws. If you have created the perfect person, then your story will have nowhere to go with them. The trick is to put them in situations where they have to face these vulnerabilities and grow as a person by the end of the novel.

The Character’s Goal Is Clear

If you have already done your research into your basic storyline, then you have a good grasp of my next point. So you have a basic concept of the story, but if you are trying to build that story around your main character, you have to know what the character's objective and ultimate goal is. The goal must be very important for the character, because you are going to put them through a lot of obstacles and heartache before they can achieve it. Again, ensure the backstory of the character is detailed so you will know how to push their buttons throughout the story.

No Character Is More Dynamic Than Your Main Character

Your main character should be the most profound and interesting character in your novel. If you find yourself part of the way through your novel, and a side character is developing as more intriguing than a fundamental character, at that point there are a couple of alterations you can make.You could just replace this character with a less interesting character.  Another alternative is to lessen the part of the side character, giving them less time to sparkle. Or then again you could kill off this side character as another obstacle or an inciting incident for the principal character.

The Reader Cares About Your Main Character

Your main character is going to be tested time and time again throughout your manuscript. They are going to have everything taken from them, and they are going to be determined to achieve their goal by whatever means necessary. It is going to be pretty hard to achieve all of this while still remaining the good guy isn’t it? Your main character may sometimes fall off the moral path. It is your job, to have built a relationship between them and your reader before this happens, so that your reader will empathise with them and still see them as a good guy.

Your main character is the meat and bones of your entire novel. So remember to keep them goal focused and absolutely driven to conquer all obstacles. Keep them on their toes and try to chip away at that character so they come out the other side with a change in personality for the better.  

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Lesley Jones