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The Penny Dreadful Era

Penny Dreadful is a British TV show that revolves around the lives of particularly famous Gothic characters, such as Dr. Frankenstein, the Frankenstein monster, Dorian Gray, and even Dr. Jekyll himself. These characters, however, all revolve around a woman named Vanessa, who is the target of both the Devil himself, and Dracula. As you can imagine, the TV show has a dark elegance attached to it, alongside a chaotic storyline that only it, in a way, can pull off.

The TV show was named after a period in literature when authors explored the darker aspects of humanity. Penny dreadfuls were a series of short stories that had grown in popularity with the lower classes. They often talked about the supernatural, and investigations of crime and murder. And although penny dreadfuls are rare today, they still had an impact on modern literature. Below are a few reasons why.

The History
The penny dreadfuls were originally found at public executions in the UK, beginning around the 18th century. They were used as woodcuts, and portrayed either the criminal or the crime. There’d also be a testimonial detailing the crime, as well as their confession, and even a philosophical saying, warning others of what would happen should they go down the same route. The fact that each penny dreadful had been inspired by an execution is haunting, to say the least.

The Abnormal
Penny dreadfuls were often filled with what Victorian England considered to be the deviants of society. Some of the more famous stories include The String of Pearls: A Romance, where the character, Sweeney Todd, was introduced for the very first time. Varney the Vampire was another famous one, as it laid the foundation for some of the most iconic vampire tropes that modern audiences can recognize today (vampires having sharp fangs, for one). Because the penny dreadfuls were inspired by crimes or local legends, one could say that these penny dreadfuls had helped give rise to the Dark Romantic era.  

The Impact
Despite the decline of penny dreadfuls in the late 19th century, some of its characters have continued to have an impact today, such as that of the British TV show, as well as other characteristics of the Gothic horror and romance genres. Another thing to note about the penny dreadfuls was that the pamphlets were one of the primary reasons why the literacy rate in England had risen, though the fear of crime had, unfortunately, increased as well. The penny dreadfuls' cheap pricing had circulated a form of literature that helped foster paranoia in society.

Penny dreadfuls were a way to get away from the stresses of life in the 18th century. They showed some of the origins of modern literature, as well as reflecting the societal changes of England at the time. They’re a door to the past that, while seemingly obscure today, has played a part in writing that we enjoy now. The era was one of the first instances when literature was accessible to a wide variety of people, and as such, has helped many individuals foster a love for literature.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Robin Goodfellow