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The Republic of Yemen Myth Monsters

In How to Write a Unique Spooky Story, I wrote about how to write a unique spooky story by either creating your own monster, creature, or horror yourself or by finding a monster that is not well known. I advised finding a monster by researching myths and legends in other cultures to find something that has a rich history surrounding it, but that is not considered modern. One of the countries that have some unique myths is the Republic of Yemen, an Arab country in Western Asia located on the southern end of the Arabian Peninsula; Yemen is the second largest country in the peninsula.


The Nesnas is a monster that roamed the Hadramaut region of Yemen. The Nesnas takes the form of a half-dead male human that is divided down the middle with the tail of a lamb. Only one half of the Nesnas is visible to the human eye at the time. It is unknown if the Nesnas chooses which half to show, but it is believed the one half of the Nesnas is skeletal while the other half still has flesh. The Nesnas knows no peace as it is only half-dead, yet it is also half-alive. This lack of peace often drives the Nesnas to act against those it believes are not grateful for the full life that they possess. The Nesnas often makes these poor people its victims and once the Nesnas has chosen them, they are never seen again. Some believe that the Nesnas hope they will return to full life by taking the lives of others.


Falak is a massive snake that is believed to be so massive that no human eyes can see all of Falak at once. Falak is a creature of the underworld that bides its time until the world ends and it can emerge to punish and torture all the sinners that inhabit Earth.

Al Anqa’a

Al Anqa’a translates to “the one with the long neck” in English. The Al Anqa’a is a massive bird that is so big it can carry any living creature on its back while maintaining flight and it is believed to be fire proof. Its wings and head crown are fire red, its body is the color of sand, and its feet are black. The creature is believed to be neutral in nature, being neither good nor evil, but rather interested mainly in itself. However, Al Anqa’a is believed to have occasionally rescued children and animals from fire.

Al Ghol

The Al Ghol, also known as ghouls, are zombie-like djinns who are known for haunting graveyards and feasting upon human flesh. They feast upon the flesh of the dead to sustain themselves until they have the opportunity to eat human flesh. These creatures are simply incapable of being good and will do anything to taste fresh human flesh taken from a still living human. These creatures do not care about age, beliefs, or gender, merely the flesh that they can strip from the bone to satiate their huge appetites.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Sefina Hawke