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The Top Five Ways in Which the Media Can Increase Book Sales

When trying to sell your book the media really can be your best friend. You just need to know how best to approach them and how they can best help you. Here are five top tips.

Writing a piece about you as an author

One of the most successful ways in getting your book known locally as a self-published author is by the local newspaper writing up a piece about you as an author. People in the local community are always interested in finding out about the person behind the book, and so the local paper is ideal for this purpose. You just need to contact the editor and send in a well-executed and thought out press release stating who you are, publication title, a little about the book, the synopsis, and where the book can be bought. Also include a little information about yourself, although not too much as you do not want to appear overwhelming. Also do not under any circumstances say that the book is a ‘must read’ as this will most definitely put most people off the idea of wanting to promote you.

Writing a review

Reviews help to sell books, so using the media and getting them to write a review of your book is highly recommended. You just need to target those publications with a vested interest. So compile a list of all the newspapers in your local area as well as specialty magazines based on writers or on specific genres that match your own. Find out who the editor is and send out your press release.

Advertising a local Q & A session or speaking event

If people do not know about an event then they cannot attend so advertising is crucial. Use the media to advertise any upcoming events for you. You need to promote yourself in order to become known. Many local papers may even advertise you for free or at a reduced cost.

Radio phone in/discussion show

Get yourself heard on the local radio. Find a programme related to your genre of book and ask if you can participate as a guest, either to discuss your book or a related subject. In most cases you will be identified as an author and they will mention you book so that listeners are signposted to it.

Local television

If there has been a current news event that touches upon your area of writing, for example as an author of environmental issues, if there is a local story about a new waste plant, then get in touch and see if your views can be heard. They will introduce you as the author of your book, once again getting your name out there and that you have published a book

So the media really can help you in promoting your book and increasing your book sales. Just start to write that press release.