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The Writing Ritual That Worked For Me

I have tried many ways to keep focused over the years when I am starting a new writing project or facing dreaded writer’s block. I always try to set unrealistic goals of writing so many words every day and have failed miserably. I asked myself why I started writing in the first place. Why did I leave the public sector nightmare of meetings all day? To be free and creative!

So, this year I stopped trying to write a book and did something, well, a few things differently and it seems to be paying off. I am going to share with you what I did to end the frustrations and pain that being ‘creative’ brings and you will find that book inside you will become a reality.

Most Goals Fail Before They Start

Most goals fail not because we lack the motivation or discipline, but because we are setting the wrong type of goal. Many of us sit down to write a book. Do you know how long it took me to write my first book? Months and years before I was signed by a publisher. You can write a good character outline, a good plot, a sentence, a paragraph, but never a whole book. Never a book. Not a whole one. So my new goal became smaller. Today I am going to create an amazing villain. Today I am going to write some dialogue that is realistic and thought provoking. That’s it. That was my goal for the day and 9/10 I achieved it. Eventually the character grew in dimension. The sentence became a paragraph and the paragraph became a completed chapter.

Write A Little Each Day

Set yourself a writing ritual. I personally write 500 words a day - if you can do more than that, then great. But setting yourself a small writing schedule is the key. This again can be the creation of a character, a small scene of your plot.If you have an idea for a great opening for a chapter, then write that. I have never written anything - whether it be for film, television or a book - that was written in order. That can be done later. For now, write what is in your heart that day.

Network With A Community Of Writers

I think we can all agree, writing can be a lonely existence. So it is important you can talk to other creative people who share your passion and hold you accountable when writer's block kicks in, and you want to sneak away from the computer and eat donuts. To have a network of people that will encourage you when all seems lost will be invaluable. A good place to start could be checking out the many forums and communities on the internet.

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Once you have completed your first book, take a moment to pat yourself on the back. You deserve it. You have achieved your goal. Finally. So what now? You start over, right at the beginning of your next book. Keep to your writing ritual every day. Publishers need to know you’re not a one-hit wonder; they prefer to represent a writer with many books under their belt. Write every day and soon it will become second nature to you.




Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Lesley Jones