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Things That Indie Authors Excel At

Many assumptions that people have about self-published authors are not accurate. The motivation for many people who self-publish is usually to complete their books and improve their future discoverability. Not all self-published authors are in it for the money. Also, many self-published authors like to publish their own books and they recommend that others follow suit. The feeling of finishing something they have worked on for so long is a big payoff for self-publishers, regardless of whether or not they wish to sell it to a wide audience. The following are some things that self-published authors do so well.

They finish what they started

Many people feel that they have at least one book in them and a good number of them make publishing a book their New Year’s resolution. However, a surprisingly small number of these people take the writing bit seriously. Self-published authors who have just released their books are taken aback by the responses they receive from people who have never finished any book. Responses like “I will do that one day” and “…you are lucky you found the time” are quite common. Self-published authors are admirable because they actually take the time to complete a book and publish it.

Taking responsibility

No other type of writer takes responsibility for the work they have done better than self-published authors. The process of self-publication means that an author has to be responsible for the management, reproduction, and sale of his work. Even if an author does not plan to distribute the book to a wide audience, it is very admirable for him to become responsible for the publication process. Another reason why indie authors are to be envied is that they know it’s risky to publish their own books, but they do it anyway. Sometimes their books don’t get the warm reception that they had hoped for, but they pick themselves up and keep going.


Self-publishers work in small, easily manageable teams and they buy services as they need them. They get support from friends and family, colleagues, and paid contractors via the internet, and from several other sources. Many self-published authors confess to having hired lawyers to help them navigate the murky waters of copyright laws. Also, many of them have hired editors to polish their books and make them ready for the market.

They identify new markets

The skills of self-published authors are not only limited to writing. These authors frequently identify new markets and prove their concept by self-publishing books. This usually makes traditional publishers come into the picture as the projects look less risky. Self-published authors have proven time and again that some overlooked markets are still quite viable.

They support each other

Self-published authors have various sources of motivation. However, regardless of what keeps them going, they always stick together and provide support to other indie authors. Traditional authors can be jealous that one person’s success diminishes their opportunities. However, self-published authors don’t share this mentality. They encourage each other and are happy when one of them succeeds because it proves that they can too.