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Three Reasons You Are Not Writing As Much Every Day

Being a writer for a profession can be so hard at times. Not only are there those dreaded periods of writer's block, but also trying to create unique characters and realistic dialogue, along with plots that engage the reader and sub-plots to support the main storyline. A writer predominantly works alone with no one to prompt you to work instead of play. So how can you manage your time effectively so your working day can be as productive as possible? Below are my three main reasons that we are not writing as much content as we could be.  

Time Idled Away: If you were to make a note of the time spent scrolling through social media such as Facebook and Twitter and other websites not related to your writing craft, would you be quite shocked? I speak from personal experience when I admit that I can lose at least an hour on Twitter every day. Have you ever said to yourself just a few more moments and I will start writing? The internet is a continous source of great research material for your next project, but can also be full of mediocre nonsense. Would your time be much better spent creating a great backstory for your characters, rather than discovering what your best friend's dog did on the weekend? If the temptation of logging onto social media is too great, then there is an app called Cold Turkey, where you can block certain websites for a specified amount of time. Another huge drain on your time is watching television. If you are studying the format of the show, making notes on character development and how they create conflict in the storyline, then that is time well spent. However, if the television is just used as background noise then this can be fatal to your concentration levels. Try moving to a room where there is no television or if you can find a quiet place to work away from your home just for a few hours a day, you will surprise yourself at how much you can accomplish with no distractions present. 

Hobbies and Pastimes: How much time do you spend on hobbies and interests that have nothing to do with your writing career? Do you spend endless hours meeting friends or playing computer games? If the answer to that question is a big fat yes, then you have to ask yourself how these hobbies are increasing your chances of finishing that first draft of your manuscript. If your hobby does not build you as a human being or earn you a substantial living so you can continue with your writing career, then it is time to listen to that little voice in your head. Another technique I use is to post sticky notes on my gaming machine to remind me how important my writing career is to me. Do not fall into the trap of procrastination. 

Finally, the biggest drain on your time has to be self-doubt. We have all, at some time or another, had that little voice in our heads telling us to give up the dream of becoming a writer (usually when a rejected email pops into our inbox). You may also not have the support of friends and family, who simply can't understand why you are even a writer in the first place. My top tip for the negativity in your head is to write down the reasons you decided to become a writer in the first place, and refer to it whenever you doubt your ability or yourself. I often begin my day with a positivity mantra that really kicks starts my motivation.  

The reality is that to become a writer and to complete your manuscript takes dedication, time and motivation. You have all of these attributes, you just have to allow them to shine.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Lesley Jones