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Tips for Making Your Novel Evergreen

The best and the biggest names in literature have the honor of writing classics that will forever remain fresh in the minds of readers for centuries to come. From Shakespeare to Stephen King, many authors have left an impact on the minds and souls of readers across the globe. Their stories are legendary and their novels are evergreen. They seem to have perfected the art of making their novels stand the test of time and have made them as relatable for their future audience as possible.

If you are among the authors who would like to have the same experience and make their novel evergreen, then here are some tips that might help you with this quest.

Make it Future-proof

Your story should be so powerful and enticing that your reader has no other option than just to keep turning pages and reading on. Let the characters have something at stake and let the tension simmer for just the right amount of time to make it suspenseful.

Perfect Your World-building

World-building is an art that needs time and attention from an author. Sometimes you execute it perfectly or you may fail, but at the end of the day, you will have to make an effort. Use solid research, add to the background story and make it believable. Don’t avoid loopholes because they are going to be your worst enemies. If you are writing a fantasy, make sure you create the culture and the politics of the world. If your world-building is one-dimensional, your story is going to be flat and unimpressive.

Think Ahead of Your Time

You have to think ahead of your time and write ahead of your time as well. Many literary geniuses were laughed at for their forward-thinking ideas, but they stood their ground and now they are remembered for just that. Don’t self-censor your work and never assume that it is too shocking to sell. What is considered shocking now may be normal in the future. It is a risk that you might have to take and it will be worth it.

Make Your Characters Real

This is one thing that has been consistently present in rules for success in every guide for a writer. Your characters need to be real, believable and relatable. You don’t have to sketch out your character in pages; a simple paragraph is enough to show the reader that your character is worth their attention. You don’t need subtext or suggestions, you just need a strong introduction and that can take your character to new heights.

These are some tips that can work wonders for you if you execute them right. Reading out of your comfort zone can give you great ideas, help you improve your writing and make it possible for you to work even harder. Don’t be afraid of sharing your written material with friends or fellow authors, take their criticism and try to perfect techniques accordingly. Learn to take a compliment as well as a critique gracefully and improve your writing. These will empower you and help you to write more confidently and confidence is the key to success.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Rabia Tanveer