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Tips for Perfecting Writing Multiple Points of View in Your Novel

Readers these days seem to enjoy fast-paced novels with multi-faceted and well-developed characters. Novels that have multiple points of view have been seen as more successful than the others. Although this cannot be applied to each and every novel in the market, the general consensus is that multiple POVs appeal to readers more. While this is something that is much loved by readers, it is also something that authors need to perfect.

This is one of those techniques that authors have to perfect otherwise they will confuse their reader and disrupt the overall experience of the story. There are certain things that the author needs to do to perfectly nail the multiple POVs in their story. Here are some tips that will help you out.

The POV Should Have a Purpose

Before you even start adding a new POV to your story, you need to ask yourself if that POV is needed or not. What is the purpose of this new point of view and what will it add to the story? Since readers need to feel a connection with the character they are reading about, the added point of view should add to the story and not take away from it. The purpose can be anything, from adding humor to the story to adding objectivity; it just needs to be something essential.

Make It Real and Consistent

If a character is important enough to receive their own POV in your story, then they must remain consistent in your story. They need to be real, believable and relatable. Add a backstory, let the reader experience their journey, guide the reader along and simply make sure that they have a purpose. Don’t do something you haven’t done complete research on. You need to do your due diligence to make sure your character holds the attention of your reader at all times.

Adding Individual Chapters

Adding individual chapters is a great way to ensure that your readers are not confused and gives them a better chance at bonding with the character. This way, you can end chapters with a cliffhanger and start the next one with another POV, which can be a good way to keep the story moving while having the reader anticipate what will happen next. However, make sure that you connect everything and don’t leave too much out.

Experimentation is Good

A little experimentation can help you a lot so don’t be afraid of it. Don’t be afraid to shuffle your POVs and see which will work best in which position. This is the beauty of multiple points of view; combine them and they add depth to the story and individually they can be a complete story on their own. This is the reason why many authors shuffle, reshuffle and restructure their stories according to the POVs they have.

While these are some tips that can be easily executed, it is always better to perfect it by working on it. It takes time to make sure your POVs are impactful, so don’t hesitate in taking help from other authors and have them critique your writing.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Rabia Tanveer