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Tips for Writing Flash Fiction

Just as the phrase suggests, flash fiction is just that, a short impactful fiction story mostly with words under the 1000-word mark. Though brief, flash fiction can be challenging to write. Here are a few tips to make yours stand out:

1. Delve right into the story

Flash fiction is brief so the writer has to be mindful of how they use each word. Each sentence is important and details that are not necessary to the work should be eliminated. When beginning your story, avoid descriptions that you would give when writing a novel. Go right into the dialogue or the happening of events in a scene.

Another tip to ensure every word counts is to start from the center of your story. After writing your first draft, try eliminating the first part of your work and craft your beginning from the center. You may be surprised that your work still flows without the first bit.

2. Limit the number of characters in your story

Limit your story to involve only one or two characters. Too many and you have to add more details to your work which will eat into your word count. If your story is centered on dialogue, get right into the conversation and involve only the two people conversing throughout your story.

Sometimes even giving the slightest details about your characters can be too much information. In the dialogue or scene, reveal the characters' intentions and traits without having to describe them. Use other elements such as tone to show the characters’ feelings. While this is important even when writing a novel, when writing flash fiction such factors become even more significant.

3. Create an impactful ending

Like other works of fiction, your flash fiction piece needs to have an impactful end. Before you get to the very end of your piece, begin to close your story so that readers do not feel like something has been left out or that your story reads like an excerpt.

Like other longer stories, your story needs all the elements of any fiction piece to make it work and to complete it. Your end should resolve the conflict introduced earlier in the story. Readers should be able to link it with other aspects of the plot.

You may even consider a surprise ending. While this could be difficult to pull off in such a way as not to throw the reader completely off course, a fitting surprise ending will create a greater impact that readers will appreciate.

4. Limit your ideas

If you have been writing longer pieces, it is easy to get carried away by the many ideas that you might have. A lot about fiction borders on your ability to edit your thoughts and concentrate on one idea which you can effectively bring out in your story.

Flash fiction is a great way to improve your writing and express your ideas. In a world where shorter pieces are in greater demand, it is not only important but it is a genre that every writer should consider.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Edith Wairimu