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Tips for Writing Your Very First eBook – Part 2

Writing an eBook is not easy, but by now you should have, at the very least, a topic in mind for your book. So, what’s next? Research. It doesn’t matter how knowledgeable about your topic you think you are, there is always more research to do.

Tip 4 – Set a Specific Allocation of Time

So many would-be writers get hung up at this stage because they don’t know where to stop. Set yourself a time limit on how long you are going to research your idea, be it for the entire book or for each chapter.

Tip 5 – Read Other eBooks in Your Chosen Niche

An obvious thing but too many writers spend all their time researching blogs and other web articles and forget about eBooks on a similar topic. Whatever you have opted for, there will be at least one eBook that gives you a few ideas. You don’t have to read the entire book, just skim through the index to give you some ideas.

Tip 6 – Make Sure You Get Your Facts Right

This is more so if your topic has lots of statistics that are often quoted. Don’t repeat these stats without checking to see if they have been updated or indeed verified in the first place.

You have your topic, you have your research, its time to start writing and this is where many writers stumble. It isn’t difficult to bash out the first draft, especially if you follow these final few tips.

Tip 7 – Draw Up A Complete Outline

Before you even think about writing the content, you need to have an outline of what the book is about. This outline should have:

Chapter titles – don’t waste time over this, you can change it later.

Subheadings – write a list of these for each chapter and add in the most salient points for what you are covering.

Tip 8 – Set Up Your Environment

Writing requires you to be able to concentrate and that means no distractions. Take temptation out of your path by setting up an environment that is free of distraction and sign out of all your social media accounts, email, etc. so you don’t keep getting notifications. You also need to set yourself targets of how much you are going to do in one sitting.

Tip 9 – Imagine You Are Writing a Letter

If you struggle to get started or get stuck on how to word something, imagine that you are writing your book as a letter to a friend. Write it how you would write to them.

Use questions for some of your subheadings as well; you can always reword these later. Sometimes it is easier to write in a more informal tone as if you are talking to someone and these do make for easier books to read – your readers feel as though you are talking to them personally.

The idea now is to get that rough first draft drawn up – perfection comes later when you can go through your book or have someone else go through it and give you positive and constructive criticism on it.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Anne-Marie Reynolds