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Tips on Avoiding Distractions when Writing

As a freelancer, there are many distractions that compete for my attention every day, not forgetting my own work on this list. The interruptions range from something as simple as a phone call to more habits that are harder to drop such as constantly checking my e-mails. Friends also expect me to always be on call now that I am not going to ‘work’. All these things constantly nag at me and have an impact on my ability to work for a certain period of time without having to attend to something different. Still, there are some tips that I have been learning.

The most important one is placing my phone in a place far off from my work desk. The thought of having to stand up to check my messages and scroll through social media pages is a great enough deterrent to ensure I remain focused. Even as I pick calls, I mostly have my phone on silent to avoid diverting my attention to random messages and e-mails.

Avoiding multi-tasking is another great point. I do not know how many times I have heard this in recent times. Multi-tasking only serves as a distraction and makes you not perform optimally. It is easier for your mind and more productive for you when you focus on one activity and complete it before moving on to something else.

Time yourself. Timing helps me work knowing that there is a deadline and it also gives me the relief that, after the period is over, I am allowed to take a rest. I am also able to estimate how long it takes me to complete a particular task and therefore I am able to plan accordingly. As every minute passes, I realize how essential even a second is. However, this tactic only works when I incorporate breaks in between to avoid burn-out.

I have also found a great add-on to my browser that ensures that I stay on one particular webpage at a time. With everything that the internet has to offer, it is easy to get carried away and before you know it, a full hour has passed. Surfing can be a very enticing distraction, especially because you cannot separate yourself from the computer you are using. Add-ons that limit your surfing to only specific pages at a time are a great way to ensure that your attention is not diverted.

Have a comfortable working place and limit your movements. I read somewhere that the brain knows when you are gearing up to work and it comes up with excuses pretty fast. Before you settle down, you realize you need a pack of snacks to keep you going and you get up to get them, then remember the dishes you have to wash before starting to work, then emember you need to have a conversation with your next-door neighbor. Before you know it, time has passed and you have not done any of the jobs you set out to do in the first place. Do not let your brain talk you out of working. You may not be able to avoid all distractions, but you can definitely limit some of them.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Edith Wairimu