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Tips on How to Write Your First Draft - Part 1

If you are wondering how and when to begin the draft for a book you have always wanted to write, here are some tips that can help you. While the list does not fully exhaust all the possibilities you can try, it gives direction on how you can breakdown the intimidating process of writing a book whatever its genre or size.

#Tip 1 Write even when you are not inspired

So many authors wait for inspiration before kick-starting their writing process. Truth is, writing is a challenging process and very few of us ever feel inspired throughout the whole process of writing a book. Sometimes inspiration comes, sometimes it does not. When you do not have anything to write about, just start writing and the words will come to you. In most instances, inspiration follows the will to write and not vice versa.

#Tip 2 Develop an outline

The outline will serve as a guide. When you are not sure what your next chapter will be about or what you should write about at every specific stage, having an outline will provide direction. You can begin with the number of chapters you want your novel to have and move forward to describe the climax or the goal of each chapter. When you are writing the draft, the goal of each chapter will help you create the right scenes and know how to direct your characters to fit the whole plot.

#Tip 3 Just keep going

You may be tempted to stop and reread and edit your draft. Even though there is nothing wrong with this, your initial and most important goal is to complete the draft first. When you start making changes and editing the draft, your concentration and focus on completing the draft will become interrupted. For many authors, writing the first draft is one of the hardest stages of writing the novel and that is the reason so many people do not complete their manuscripts. The most important thing to keep in mind is that it is just your first draft and you will have the opportunity to edit and add on to it later.

# Tip 4 Become absorbed by the story you are telling

You are the first reader of the story. If you do not like the story, chances are that someone else also won’t. Loving the story will also help you be more dedicated to the process and, ultimately, it will help you write the novel faster. Create main characters that you would want to observe or hang out with in real life. Make them your friends and envision the kind of conversations you would have with them if they were real. Evaluate what traits you love in them and why you sympathize with them.

Most stories come from real-life situations, either in the form of observations or experiences, and it is crucial that you connect to the story you are writing. If you love your characters, scenes and the plot overall, someone else will more than likely love the novel too.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Edith Wairimu