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Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Getting help with your book from a professional editor is always recommended but often just too expensive. We have partnered with a professional editor with 30 years of experience to provide quality writing services at affordable prices.

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Tips on Selling Your Book

In more ways than one, writers whose works are picked up by major publishing outfits need to worry less than their self-publishing counterparts. 

Many writers who have decided to go the self-publishing route often find themselves grappling with the intricacies of promoting and marketing their own work, all while finding the time to continue writing other projects. It's a very difficult situation that obviously requires hard work, dedication, and lots of patience.

The difficulties associated with self-publishing are nonetheless trumped by the benefits that come with it. For one, you get to have absolute editorial control over your work. You do not need to compromise or make changes that you don't want. You get to keep your original work's artistic integrity and retain the vision you had while writing it.

Also, you stand to earn more if you choose to self-publish. This is because you do away with literary agents, who normally charge 15 percent of your initial down payment from the publisher plus 15 percent of your book royalties. At the very least, the amount you have to part with would be considerably less if you decide to publish on your own.

In any event, selling your book requires that you treat it as a valuable commodity -- something that its buyers would find huge value in. This means that you must ensure the quality of the writing is topnotch and error-free. You can either copy edit and proofread the manuscript yourself, or solicit the services of a professional editor. This ensures that your work passes the criteria for what makes a book worth reading and, by extension, worth buying.

Just as important as the actual content is the cover. Again, you can do this yourself, particularly if you have a working background in graphic design. Otherwise, you can hire the services of a professional graphic artist who can render your vision into a palatable and salable form. Remember that good design goes a long way in boosting the sales of your book.

As a self-publisher, a good part of your time will be devoted to the promotion and marketing of your book. As mentioned, this can take valuable time away from your actual writing. However, remember that like any other commercial enterprise, the publishing industry thrives on hype and marketing. One of the tips in selling your book is to know how to promote your work in order to make the most out of it financially.

Harness the power of social media. There are many social networking sites that you can sign up for. You can use these platforms to get the word out on what your book is all about and where it can be purchased. However, be prudent in your use of social media. Hard selling is known to turn off potential buyers, so if you have to market your work, do it subtly.