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Tips on Writing Short Stories

Writing a short story is generally an easy task. So as long as one remembers the basics of writing, their story will be effective in conveying a thought or message in just a few sentences. While there are technically no rules in creating a short story, there are a few tips one must be aware of in order to make it big in the industry.

Identify the Main Theme

Despite the short length, there is still a risk that one can write an unfocused short story. To prevent this, it would be a good idea to determine first the core message of the story before writing it. Fortunately, there are many themes that a writer can tackle with a short story and the right theme will depend greatly on what a writer is trying to convey in the story.

Mind the POV

The point of view (POV) is an essential factor in short stories. When using a first person POV, it is necessary to give the character something to do apart from bridging the gap between the characters and the reader. This makes them invested in the story that they will find all the more relatable. In the case of a third person point of view, the narrator should accurately depict the events that are happening while giving enough space for the reader’s imagination.

Create Relatable Characters

Nothing can ruin the quality of a short story more than the presence of an all-too-perfect character. Regardless of the part they play in the story, perfect characters (known as Mary Sue or Marty Stu, depending on the gender) can take the readers off the story and can make the central conflict moot.

After all, what is the point of the story if the character has little to no room for development? Instead, make every character in the story a bit more relatable to the reader by giving them quirks and character flaws. This way, the reader can learn a lesson while the characters learn theirs, too.

Mind the Plot

When creating a short story, it is necessary to add in a bit of conflict to keep readers guessing what will happen next. Depending on the story, conflict can come in the form of another character or an intangible force. Recent short stories also employ twists to stop the story from turning into a cliché. Explore with long-standing elements and add your own twist to make the story stand out.

Keep It Short

When writing a story, it is important to fight the urge to keep the story going. Most readers only want a short story to be a few thousand words long. Since short stories tend to be 3,500 words or less, it is a must to make every sentence count.

Filling the story with far too many distractions and subplots will decrease the overall appeal of the short story. On the flip side, a writer who can craft an ending that is short yet effective in resolving all issues will have a better chance of getting the story published, regardless of its genre.