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Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Getting help with your book from a professional editor is always recommended but often just too expensive. We have partnered with a professional editor with 30 years of experience to provide quality writing services at affordable prices.

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Tips That Can Make Writing Novels Much Easier

Authors should use every resource at their disposal to write the best novel their abilities will allow. Here are some great ideas that can make the writing process much easier.

Track your changes: In today’s digital age, it is difficult to imagine novelists who still write on paper or, worse still, on typewriters. This is the age of computers and modern word processors are indispensable for any author. The ‘track changes’ feature is one that no author should do without. Since authors constantly edit their work, they should be able to see what they have been changing in their novels.

Write like your mother will never read it: When you are writing, you should not be thinking about the opinions that people might have about your book. Such thoughts will distract you and they might also cause you to write what you think people want to hear. The original story is usually way better.

Stay vigilant: You might be thinking that “this novel will be 400 pages long so what’s the big deal if I get some sentences wrong?” Although it is not a good idea to be a perfectionist, you should be careful not to make any blatant mistakes.

It’s acceptable to write about people you know: Many authors get inspiration for their characters from people they interact with every day. Use these people’s characters as long as you change their names.

Keep the plot alive to the end: Simply put, if your story is about a horse, and the horse dies, you are in big trouble.

Write your favorite book: When you are writing, write the novel like one that you would enjoy reading the most. This is probably the best book that you can write.

The 30,000 word mark is the hilltop: Think of writing as a hill. When you start writing, it is like you are at the bottom of the hill. The hill gradually becomes steeper and as you get closer to the top, it is almost impossible to keep going. When you are writing, this point is the 30,000-word mark. When you reach 50,000 words, your journey will now be downhill.

Read out loud: One of the best ways to find errors in your work is to read out loud. Apart from finding spelling mistakes, you will also know where the story does not flow as it should.

Peer review your work: New authors are often afraid to give their novels to other people to read because they are afraid of criticism. However, as long as it is positive criticism, it should be welcomed. Experienced authors know that the best way to evaluate their novel is to use another person to do it. After a book is reviewed by your peers and you have edited it to reflect their good recommendations; you should take it to a professional to go through it with a fine-tooth comb.

Enjoy what you do: One of the most exciting things that you can do is to roam in an imaginary world created by an excellent author. What is even more exciting is to be the creator of that world.