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Top Five Companies for SEO Content Writers – Part 1

Are you thinking about becoming an SEO content writer? Do you even know where to start looking for work? It is a fantastic niche for freelance writers to get involved in simply because of the sheer amount of work to be found.

That’s all very well, but if you haven’t got the first idea where to look for all this work, you’ll find it hard to get your hands on the juicy jobs that pay a small fortune.

Lucky for you, I found five areas that I think offer great potential for regular work

SEO Companies

Obviously, any SEO company worth their salt will need some involvement in SEO writing if they are to get their clients the highest possible rankings. In fact, it is safe to say that content writing is the heart and soul of search engine optimization; it’s used to build up good backlinks as well as improving how friendly a website is to the search engines.

Good content takes time to produce, something you already knew. And if you are creating the highest quality content, the stuff that Google and other search engines love, then it's going to take even longer

That’s why lots of SEO companies like to outsource content writing – so that they can increase their client numbers and get a lot more done for them. No SEO company could take on 50 or 100 companies and expect to write every bit of content required – they simply wouldn’t have time for all the other SEO work. Hence they hire content writers to do it for them.

SEO content is in massive demand by SEO agencies right now; all you need to do is search out the companies and target them all – somewhere along the line, one or two of them will sit up and take notice of you, and you’ll start to land some decent writing gigs.

Social Media Marketing Agencies

Social media marketing is another area where a ton of content is required Good marketing techniques for any company involve using social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn but it sounds easier than it is. Decent content needs to be shared across all their networks, content that draws people in and makes them want to share it, ‘like’ it or ‘tweet’ it.

Nine times out of ten, this will mean some kind of content being published on their websites, blogs or in other places they use for their business. That content doesn’t always need to be written; it be videos, images, even surveys, but written content is and always will be the most common form. And keyword-optimized content is in higher demand than any other type.

Find and target as many social media marketing agencies as you can, and it shouldn’t take too long to get a regular workflow going. You might even find one customer that can give you as much work as you can handle. Social media is growing fast, and with that will come even more job opportunities.

In part two, we’ll look at three more types of companies you can target for SEO work.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Anne-Marie Reynolds