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Top Five Companies for SEO Content Writers Part 2

In part 1, we looked at the first two types of companies you should approach for SEO content writing work. There are three more:

PR Agencies

Like the SEO and social media companies, PR agencies are good at providing regular content writing work to the right people.  Digital PR is one of the most significant PR agency areas, and this is a combination of several types of work – SEO, online press releases, writing guest blog posts, social media and more. For this reason alone, PR agencies need high-quality SEO content writers – do a great job, and you could end up with plenty of regular work.

Web Designers

Lots of web designers need content writing, be it on their own websites or on those they are building or working on for clients. Many need to focus their attention on the building and the design and don’t have time to do the writing. If you are lucky enough to find a really good web designer who offers content writing services to their clients, you could find a decent supply of work. Another thing you can do is, if you have writing clients, is to offer web design services – you can repay the favor for web design clients and make yourself look more attractive as a writer to prospective clients.

Any Company With a Website

A bit on the vague side, I know, but the point is, you can find SEO content writing work with just about any type of business. If they have a website with content, they may need a writer.

Some companies have huge websites and know that they need SEO content written, but they don’t have the in-house skills or the time. These are the companies that outsource their work.

You may also find companies with brand new websites and have tons of writing that needs doing as they get their site off the ground and running.

And there are still companies who do not have the first clue what SEO content is – if you know your stuff, you can convince them of the benefits, that without it, they are missing out on a ton of traffic and possible sales.

If you have a specific niche you specialize in, things get even better for you. Let’s say that you specialize in real estate writing; all you need to do is target real estate companies; you can sell your writing services based on how knowledgeable you are about their industry.

What I’m trying to say here is this – it is safe to approach just about any company and offer to write SEO content for them. What you won't know, only by looking at their website, is if you are likely to get any work from them or not. But there’s an old saying that is so very true – if you don’t ask, you don’t get.

The biggest problem you will face is in narrowing down your search. The best thing to do is choose one niche or industry where you are relatively knowledgeable and track down any companies who may be interested in hiring you.

Do this for a week or two, consistently, and the chances are, the work will start coming in.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Anne-Marie Reynolds