Author Services

Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Getting help with your book from a professional editor is always recommended but often just too expensive. We have partnered with a professional editor with 30 years of experience to provide quality writing services at affordable prices.

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Hundreds of Helpful Articles

Hundreds of Helpful Articles

We have created hundreds of articles on topics all authors face in today’s literary landscape. Get help and advice on Writing, Marketing, Publishing, Social Networking, and more. Each article has a Comments section so you can read advice from other authors and leave your own.

Top Ten Rules When Creating an Author Website

Every author needs to have their own website if they want to increase their books sales and get people interested in their books. However, how do you go about this, what are the best ways to achieve this?

Here are ten rules.

1. Choose an effective domain name. Do not under any circumstances choose a domain name that is your book’s title. This will make it extremely difficult for readers to find your website and, secondly, you want the website to grow and this cannot be achieved by naming it after your first book. The best domain name really is your own name; keep it simple.

2. Decide if you have the skills in setting up a website. If so go ahead, if not get someone to help you.

3. If you feel you can create your own website then choose a free hosting site. Simple ones to use which are effective are WordPress, Weebly, and Blogger.

4. Your author photo is extremely important as the people visiting the site will want to connect with you in some way and a photograph is a good way of doing so; it makes your website that much more personal. People like to put a face to the name.

5. Your author profile is also extremely important. This should be in the style of ‘About Me.’ Add as much information as you possibly can. You should include location, any family, pets, past working experience, past book/s, your present book, and any future books that you are in the process of writing. People like to know as much about their favourite author as possible. Share as much personal information as you feel comfortable with.

5. Your email address should use your domain name. This gives a more professional image when a reader wants to contact you and it helps the reader to focus upon you as an author; it gives direction.

6. Add a contact form to your website; this is relatively easy to do. This is a way for the reader to contact you directly from the website without having to search or use an email address.

7. Add social media buttons so that readers can connect with you on social media such as Twitter, Facebook and Google+.

8. Add a page that lists all of your books; include book covers, a blurb about each and a link where people can buy the book. This is what many potential readers will be searching for so make it easy for them to find this information and hopefully you will see an increase in sales.

9. If you write a blog, remember to include a link to this as well on your author site.

10. Keep the visuals easy on the eye. Never use white text on a black background. Stick to no more than two fonts and use only a few colours. The simpler the website is the more effective it will be.

Have fun in setting up your website.