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Travel Writing Inspirations

Many writers dream of exploring the earth. Some are drawn to fascinating sites that have inspired countless legends, while others take a more scenic route, looking to local towns for their muses. But either way, when it comes to travel writing, you can’t help but wonder about the kind of things you may experience, and how vast your inspirations may be. Many writers, including the likes of Ernest Hemingway, Wilfred Thesiger, and Patrick Leigh Fermor, have traveled for the sake of their writing. As such, below are just some of the places you can visit to quell your restless spirit. 

The Border Between Heaven and Earth

The Border Between Heaven and Earth is said to be one of the most beautiful places in the world. Located in Bolivia, the Border is also known as the Salt Flats. The area has been met with wonder and awe from people from all over. Whenever the rainy season comes, the water allows the surface to become reflective, thus mirroring the sky. It gives the impression that the flats really are a border between heaven and earth.  

The Gates of Hell

In contrast to the beautiful border, there’s also a gateway to Hell. Located in the Karakum Desert, the Gates of Hell is a continuously burning flame that began in 1971. The crater was made when the Soviet Union accidentally drilled into a natural gas cavern while setting up a rig. This caused the rig they were building to fall, and poisonous gas to leak out at a rapid pace. The Soviet Union decided to light the hole, thinking the fire would fade in a couple of weeks. A few decades later,  that fire is still burning. As of now, the Turkmen government would like to turn the Gates into a tourist site. However, due to the hazardous conditions, this is highly unlikely.

Notre Dame Cathedral

Notre Dame Cathedral is a center of the Christian faith in Europe. It’s a cultural icon that’s stood strong for hundreds of years. It’s also celebrated as a symbol of France. Its elegant Gothic architecture, glass stained windows, and overall regal appearance have made it a favorite for many travelers. Victor Hugo’s famous novel, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, was inspired by the cathedral itself. But more than that, writers can come there and contemplate, not just their works, but human thought and philosophy as well. Because of the cathedral's rich history, writers are more than guaranteed to walk away with a romantic muse. Overall, whether it be something light, like Heaven, or dark and sinister, like Hell, the cathedral is sure to provide something for everyone.

This list is by no means comprehensive. For instance, there are many sites that cater to a specific type of writer; perhaps you fancy yourself a nature writer, and would rather go to a state park. Still, it does provide a starting point where writers could go for inspiration. Holy or unholy, religious or not, these places could be the sources for your next novel.  

And if they aren’t, at least you have vacation plans. 

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Robin Goodfellow