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Tricks Taken from Journalism that Can Help Fiction Writers

A writer can get and take inspiration from anywhere, but when it comes to honing their skills, they have to be exceptionally careful about where they get the inspiration from. One wrong move and the author could be doing more damage than they bargained for. However, there are certain writing professions that are very similar to novel writers and their skills can be a great addition to an author’s repertoire. Journalists know some very important skills that can be very beneficial for authors, especially when it comes to building a compelling narrative and creating strong characters that stand out.

Writing fiction isn’t easy, but there are certain tricks that journalists use that can make writing easy. These tricks translate well when it comes to writing fiction and leave an impact on the minds of readers. If you are thinking of ways to improve your writing or make writing fiction easier, then here are some tricks from journalism that can help you immensely.

Take Note of the Things around You

Taking help from your surroundings is a great help, especially when it comes to writing a believable narrative. You will be able to write better about the things you actually have experienced and it will show in your writing as well. The experience of the reader is enhanced and you will find that your audience is more engaged. Even if you are writing fantasy, you can create your fantasy setting while having a real-world model for it. Research is the key here to making your narrative powerful, so make sure you don’t skimp on it.

Keep it to the Point

Keep fillers to the minimum and try to trim unnecessary information. Too much information or too lengthy dialogues can be boring and confusing. Keep sentences short and comprehensive. Remember that not every dialogue has to have a direct influence on the plot; it could be about character development as well. Be selective in your approach and create a strategy that you know will enhance the plot. Leave the small talk and get to the point.

Don’t Be Afraid to Take Risks

Taking risks can be a little scary, but if you can execute it right, you get many advantages out of it. Don’t be afraid of writing an implausible situation, but make sure that you don’t make it an implausible situation. There is a fine line between these two and you need to make sure you get it right.

Some More Things to Keep in Mind

Don’t be afraid of taking help from history to add more quirks and more spice to your story. This will help add substance and background to the story. Be specific about what you want and how you want your story to flow. Have a clear picture in your mind and try to paint that with your words. Stay focused, be as engaging as you can, and sharpen the focus of your readers as best as you can.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Rabia Tanveer