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Understand The Psychology Of Your Characters

When you are creating characters, it is vital you have a basic understanding of psychology, which is what makes any character behave and think in a certain way. If you can figure out the inner workings of your character's mind, then you will know immediately how they would react to any situation. You will also know how they will interact with other people. The process of creating your next novel will become much easier, and it will feel like the novel is writing itself.  

Remember your character has a past. Your character had a life before your story began. They had parental figures, they went to school and they interacted with the world around them. Along the way, they have gone through a series of events that shaped their character and attitudes. This is the backstory of your character. Everyone has a conscious and subconscious, and it is the subconscious that you need to focus on because this is the part of the brain where trauma and unpleasant memories lie. These memories will drive the person's actions, dialogue and interactions with the other characters. Maybe a character has experienced a major incident that has left him with a stammer or a nervous tick?

When you delve into the character's psyche you will start creating a real person, with a real identity, and this will greatly improve your storyline. So if a character was abused as a child or faced a great deal of criticism, they may grow into a person that feels rejected by society and, in turn, needs to get their revenge for being excluded. They may also not be able to trust or love others.

Characters are basically either extroverts or introverts. Most novels will have extroverts as their main characters as these are more interesting for the reader because they are usually more dynamic and intriguing. There are four main personality types: thinking, feeling, sensation and intuitive.

Thinking types like to use logic and rationale to solve problems. They are not impulsive people and they use reasoning to take care of issues. They are very inquisitive and people who are this type of personality make excellent lawyers, engineers or business people.

Feeling types are emotional and possess a very nurturing and kind nature. They can get along with any other personality type. They make excellent social workers, doctors or teachers. They will probably have a very strong relationship with partners, parents and siblings.

Sensation types live through their senses and they live in the here and now. They are nature lovers and live life to the full. They are very active and optimistic people. They make excellent gardeners, cooks.

The intuitive type is a dreamer, and very creative. They have a strong idea of what the future holds for them. Intuitive characters will act rationally and will know exactly what the consequences of an action will be. They are well suited for jobs as artists, writers and entrepreneurs. Intuitive types are never found without a to-do list.

Film characters tend to have two of the above types which dominate their personality while the other two may still be apparent but take a backseat. Characters gain information through their senses or intuition and then it is processed by their thoughts or feelings.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Lesley Jones