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Useful Hacks for Improving your Mental Focus - Part 1

Good writing depends on great mental focus. Every writer needs to learn a few tips to sharpen their focus and reenergize. Here are a few ways you can consider if you are trying to improve your mental focus and clarity:


It is amazing what even a short period of exercising will do for your body and your mind. The best way to ensure you exercise is by setting aside time for specific activities that will engage your body physically. Taking a walk in the morning or jogging for a specific number of miles will ensure that you slot in enough time every day for exercising. Apart from creating a routine, find friends you can engage in these activities with, who you will be accountable to and who will encourage you to be consistent, especially if you are just beginning.

Select the right diet for your mind

Exercise alone will not be as helpful if you do not eat the right foods for your mind. Studies show that when you stick to a healthy, balanced diet, your mental focus improves. To avoid reaching out for the nearest packet of junk food or ordering in unhealthy food options, make a list of groceries you will need possibly in a week and buy them in bulk so that you will not need to keep going out when you need something to eat. Also, consider preparing meals in advance and storing them in your fridge for those days you do not feel like cooking. Another tip is to plan your meals in advance. Have a timetable and fill in what you should have at each mealtime.

When embarking on improving your diet, create room for a few treats and reduce these as you continue. Also, prepare healthy meals that you love to eat so that you are not discouraged from eating the right food for you.

Be Kind to Yourself

Do not push your mind when you are clearly tired and unable to continue working. Take time to rest before you go on with your work. I have found writing to be a very mentally engaging job and working continuously only slows my progress. A few minutes to stretch or reach for my bottle of water offers me a short moment of rest. Sometimes I will need to disengage completely for a while before going back to what I was doing. During that time, I will take a shower or a short nap which relaxes me. After the rest, I find that I am more productive as I work more quickly with the fatigue gone.

When taking a nap, make sure you set a timer so that you do not end up sleeping for longer than you intended. Also, when resting, consider staying away from your gadgets that also engage and work your mind. Resting should be a time to disengage from any activity that is taxing on your mind and should involve taking up an activity that will help you relax and ultimately focus.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Edith Wairimu