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Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Getting help with your book from a professional editor is always recommended but often just too expensive. We have partnered with a professional editor with 30 years of experience to provide quality writing services at affordable prices.

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Ways to Use Social Media for Marketing Books

After finishing a novel, there is one more important thing that authors should keep in mind: How to market your novel? Well, if you’re already a well-known author, then a launch will probably take place sooner or later and you may already have a loyal following who’ll read your books no matter what. But what if you are just a rising author? Of course, you need the help of a lot of people—and most of these people are found on social media platforms.

How social media can help in marketing your books

Social media platforms are not that hard to use, and you can use them in marketing your books by means of:

Book Reviews. Put up a review tour and ask bloggers to join by giving them free copies of your books. This way, you’ll also get to know what they think about what you have written and you’ll be able to get the attention of many readers. There are so many people out there who are willing to review a book—take advantage of that.

Cover Reveal. Sometimes, people are actually excited to see the cover of a book that they have long been waiting for because some people do judge a book by its cover and if your cover is not that inviting, then maybe you should try to improve it. This way, people will also be excited about what’s written in the book.

Excerpt Reveals. One way of catching people’s attention and making them want to read your book is by revealing some passages from your works. This is called an “excerpt reveal”. This way, people get to see what they might read in your works and would also be able to expect what kind of book they will be reading. It’s also a good way of getting people excited about your work.

Guest Posting. Guest Posting is the act of writing for another person’s blog. This is a topic that a blogger has chosen for you. Guest posting also benefits both the author and the blogger because both of them garner the attention of many and both of them are able to generate some traffic for themselves. It’s also a good way of giving your opinion about a said topic and showing the world what you think.

Playlists or Dream casts. Creating a playlist for your work is also good because it gives people a better sense of your work and it makes them more excited for the future of the book, or for sequels or spin-offs.

By being on social media, you are able to reach a wider range of audience worldwide and are also able to know which audiences like reading about your works or about your promotions. Being on social media is always a good way of promoting your books.