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What A Writer Should Learn From Santa

You, as a writer, need a little stimulation. This may come in different ways. Have you ever thought about presents? Unless you have different religious views or something, why not write a letter to Santa? 

Here is a list to get you started.  Many people remember better when words are placed in a list.

First, definitely coffee. Whenever you need a little pick-me-up during the morning, noon or night. Do you like flavored? Do you like cappuccino? Ask for a type of coffee you find too much for your writer's budget.   

Second, a magazine subscription such as to The Writer. This is can keep you up to date in the world of writing, and maybe help you find your competition? Also, this is a mental escape from the hum-drum usual daily routine. 

Third, something lucky or favorite to wear, such as a "writer's" robe. Many writers have that usual lucky thing to keep attached to, such as a lucky writer's hat, lucky writer's shirt, favorite writer's slippers, etc.

Fourth, how about office supplies, such as post-it notes, pens, memo pads, etc. Often, poor writers have to spend a fortune on office supplies. These supply presents may not seem like much, but they are actually very important.

Fifth, another mental escape is wall décor, to change the scenery. Are you surrounded by and tired of the same paint, furniture, books, etc.?  Do you stare at the same clock over and over?

Sixth, something exercise-related, so as not to be so sedentary. Disabled-appropriate if needs be. Writers are too sedentary. 

Seventh, a battery-operated light. In case the power goes out, a writer may still write this way, no matter the season. Each season has certain bad weather, but this does not have to stop you from your work.

Eighth, a unique water bottle. Hey, even writers need at least eight (8) cups a day. How about a water carafe or a bottle with a cute phrase on it? 

Ninth, a backpack or cute tote, as this is easier to travel with than a briefcase. This one is “iffy”. You may like briefcases better, but I find a backpack or cute tote to be more convenient and not so “stuffy”.

Tenth, how about a fan to create some white noise and air circulation for easier concentration?

This list is to help you out. Simply write your letter, address an envelope and get that bad boy in the mail.

Do not believe in Santa? If not, do people ever ask you what you would like for Christmas? Be honest and actually tell them, “As a writer, I could really use ___ but I do not celebrate holidays."

Still in disagreement? Too ashamed or embarrassed? Buy yourself a present! You put in a lot of hard work and deserve it. For example, as you set various accomplishments, buy yourself something small each time. 

So, whether or not you believe in Santa, a little instant gratification can stop stress and make your day a little brighter, wherever you are. This way, your writing can shine.

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Leiann Lynn Rose Spontaneo