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Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Getting help with your book from a professional editor is always recommended but often just too expensive. We have partnered with a professional editor with 30 years of experience to provide quality writing services at affordable prices.

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What Are the Best Ways to Get Your Book Out There?

You may have written a good book. However, it does not end there, especially if you want to earn a living by writing. The next step you need to do is to make it available to readers. The question is what are the best ways to get your book out there? Here are a few things you might need to know.

Get a good agent who can pave the way for the publishing of your book. This is one of the best ways to get your book out there because this is what agents do—they find the best publishers for you. It cannot be denied that the best-selling authors' publishers are also the top publishers. If your agent can tap onto these publishers, there is a great probability that your book will be “out there.”

If you are a self-published author, marketing comes in different forms. The books that make it to the top are not necessarily only those published by big time publishers. In fact, there are good books that are self-published. There are several easy marketing strategies for self-published authors.

Blog! As a writer, one of the best ways to get your book “out there” is to blog about it. As a writer, this is your way to express your thoughts about the book, your ideas, and why people should read your book.

Use social media to your advantage! Most people use the internet and they have access to social networking sites. This is a good place to market your book and let people know it exists. Sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest, and Instagram are some sites where you can market your work.

Earn publicity through reviews. While not all authors know this, one of the best ways to get your book out there is to earn reviews, especially from credible sources. People who reviewed your book and left a positive remark would most likely recommend your book for others to read.

Sell it in whatever form, printed or digital. Traditionally, books are sold on shelves or on pre-order basis. Today, however, people can buy and download books. To make your book available out there, sell it in printed and digital form because most people prefer one over the other. This way, you tap into a larger market instead of choosing just one form.

Host book signing or reading events. These events add a personal touch to the book and are a way to let your readers know that you’re not only about sales. Young writers can benefit from these events because no matter how many people show up for the book reading or signing event, you can meet people who just pass by and tell them about your book. Either way, it is publicity!

Engage with your readers. The last step to get your book out there is to engage with your readers by whatever means; snail mail or comments in your blog would do. You cannot deny the power of word-of-mouth recommendations and your readers can do that for you!